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Welcome to libhal


libhal is still in BETA!


libhal exists to make hardware drivers 🚚 portable, ðŸĶū flexible, ðŸ“Ķ accessible, and 🍰 easy to use. libhal seeks to provide a foundation for embedded drivers, allowing those drivers to be used across different processors, microcontrollers, systems, and devices.

The design philosophy of libhal is to be:

  1. Multi Targeted
  2. Light Weight
  3. General
  4. Minimalist
  5. Safe
  6. Tested & Testable
  7. Compiled Quickly
  8. OS Agnostic

The Basics

libhal, at its core, is simply a set of interfaces that correspond to hardware devices and peripherals. These interfaces use runtime polymorphism in order to decouple application logic from driver implementation details. This decoupling enables applications to run on any target device that has the necessary components available.

A quick example is a blinker program. The required interfaces for such a program is a hal::output_pin for controlling the LED and a hal::steady_clock for keeping time. Now your application takes both of these drivers without having to consider their implementation details and blink and LED at a specified interval.

Below is a set of source code to make an application that can work with both the lpc40xx and stm32f10x microcontroller.

#include <libhal-util/steady_clock.hpp>

#include "hardware_map.hpp"

hal::status application(starter::hardware_map& p_map)
  using namespace std::chrono_literals;
  using namespace hal::literals;

  while (true) {
    HAL_CHECK(hal::delay(*p_map.steady_clock, 500ms));
    HAL_CHECK(hal::delay(*p_map.steady_clock, 500ms));

  return hal::success();
#pragma once

#include <functional>
#include <libhal/output_pin.hpp>
#include <libhal/steady_clock.hpp>

namespace starter {
struct hardware_map
  hal::output_pin* led;
  hal::steady_clock* steady_clock;
  std::function<void()> reset;
}  // namespace starter

// Application function must be implemented by one of the compilation units
// (.cpp) files.
hal::status application(starter::hardware_map& p_map);
hal::result<starter::hardware_map> initialize_target();
#include "hardware_map.hpp"

int main()
  auto init_result = initialize_target();

  if (!init_result) {

  auto hardware_map = init_result.value();
  auto is_finished = application(hardware_map);

  if (!is_finished) {
  } else {

  return 0;

namespace boost {
void throw_exception([[maybe_unused]] std::exception const& p_error)
}  // namespace boost
#include <libhal-armcortex/dwt_counter.hpp>
#include <libhal-armcortex/startup.hpp>
#include <libhal-armcortex/system_control.hpp>

#include <libhal-lpc40/output_pin.hpp>

#include "hardware_map.hpp"

hal::result<starter::hardware_map> initialize_target()

  auto& led = HAL_CHECK((hal::lpc40xx::output_pin::get<1, 18>()));

  return starter::hardware_map{
    .led = &led,
    .steady_clock = &counter,
    .reset = []() { hal::cortex_m::system_control::reset(); },
#include <libhal-armcortex/dwt_counter.hpp>
#include <libhal-armcortex/startup.hpp>
#include <libhal-armcortex/system_control.hpp>

#include <libhal-stm32f10x/output_pin.hpp>

#include "hardware_map.hpp"

hal::result<starter::hardware_map> initialize_target()

  auto& led = HAL_CHECK((hal::stm32f10x::output_pin::get<'C', 13>()));

  return starter::hardware_map{
    .led = &led,
    .steady_clock = &counter,
    .reset = []() { hal::cortex_m::system_control::reset(); },



  • Conan package manager
  • Source code is hosted on GitHub
  • vcpkg (coming soon) package manager

There are plans to support to more C++ package managers