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ðŸ”ļ Bare-Metal ARM Cortex Target Bring-Up

This guide will step you through making a libhal + conan target library for a arm processor microcontroller. Unlike libhal applications that can be executed on a machine running an OS like linux, example Raspberry Pi and Beagle Boards, you cannot just execute the binary.

This guide assumes that libhal-library was used as a template and has already updated and changed all of the names from libhal-library to the appropriate library name.

In order to build an application that can be loaded and executed onto a microcontroller you only need:

  1. Add libhal-armcortex as a dependency
  2. Provide a linker script for each microcontroller
  3. Determine minimum compiler flags for each microcontroller
  4. Provide a library component for that microcontroller

The rest can be handled by the arm-gnu-embedded-toolchain's crt0 implementation, the arm-gnu-embedded-toolchain conan package and the libhal-armcortex conan package.

Adding the libhal-armcortex dependency

Simply add libhal-armcortex to your requirements() method:

def requirements(self):
    # ...

Writing the linker scripts

Setup linker script directory

Create a linker_scripts directory at the root of the library package. Add linker_scripts/* directory to the export sources in the package, like so:

exports_sources = "include/*", "linker_scripts/*", "tests/*", "LICENSE"

Finding linker scripts info

Lets consider the lpc4074 microcontroller. What you'll need to figure out is:

  1. Flash memory address & size
  2. Ram memory address & size

These sections are part of whats called the "memory map". Most modern day systems use a system called "Memory-mapped I/O" which means that the system uses the same address space to address both memory and I/O devices. In this case we simply want to find the addresses of the flash memory and ram memory. This information can be found in the data sheet or user manual of the chip.

The LPC40 series of microcontrollers will be used for this example: The memory map can be found on page 52 of the LPC408X_7X.pdf data sheet or page 14 of the UM10562.pdf user manual.

lpc40xx memory map

Figure 1. LPC40xx Memory Map

Here you can see that flash starts at address 0x00000000 for all sizes of flash memory. The SRAM locations all start at 0x10000000 for all sizes of SRAM. This chart does not provide which chips have which ram and flash sizes.

Looking through the data sheet and searching for terms like "part numbers", "ordering options", or even just the number 512 (the maximum flash size), eventually this section will appear:

lpc40xx ordering info part 1

Figure 2. LPC40xx Part Ordering Info part 1

lpc40xx ordering info part 2

Figure 3. LPC40xx Part Ordering Info part 2

Now all of the information to write the linker scripts is available:

__flash = 0x00000000;
__flash_size = 64K;
__ram = 0x10000000;
__ram_size = 16K;

INCLUDE "libhal-armcortex/standard.ld"
__flash = 0x00000000;
__flash_size = 128K;
__ram = 0x10000000;
__ram_size = 32K;

INCLUDE "libhal-armcortex/standard.ld"
__flash = 0x00000000;
__flash_size = 256K;
__ram = 0x10000000;
__ram_size = 64K;

INCLUDE "libhal-armcortex/standard.ld"
__flash = 0x00000000;
__flash_size = 512K;
__ram = 0x10000000;
__ram_size = 64K;

INCLUDE "libhal-armcortex/standard.ld"
__flash = 0x00000000;
__flash_size = 512K;
__ram = 0x10000000;
__ram_size = 64K;

INCLUDE "libhal-armcortex/standard.ld"


You may be wondering why the RAM size is 64kB and not 96kB for some of the linker scripts and thats due to the fact that the LPC40xx series has a dual SRAM architecture. To keep this simple, only the largest RAM block is supported.

The linker script only needs 4 lines as libhal-armcortex provides a standard linker script for ARM microcontrollers supporting 1 flash memory and 1 ram device. Defining the __flash, __flash_size, __ram, and __ram_size linker script variables is all that is needed to make a usable linker script.

There are plans to support dual flash, dual ram and other varieties of flash and ram combinations in the future in libhal-armcortex.


Many of the microcontrollers come in different packages and may have some differences in the number of peripherals they support, pins they have and performance. The linker script does not need to worry about such differences and thus, a linker script should NOT be made for every possible chip variety in the series but for the common flash sizes and ram sizes for each.

Compiler flags

Processor flags

The data sheet will include information about the processor. The compiler flag will match the following based on the CPU:

  • -mcpu=cortex-m0
  • -mcpu=cortex-m0plus (cortex-M0+)
  • -mcpu=cortex-m1
  • -mcpu=cortex-m3
  • -mcpu=cortex-m4
  • -mcpu=cortex-m7
  • -mcpu=cortex-m23
  • -mcpu=cortex-m33
  • -mcpu=cortex-m35p
  • -mcpu=cortex-m55
  • -mcpu=cortex-m85
  • -mcpu=cortex-m1.small-multiply
  • -mcpu=cortex-m0.small-multiply
  • -mcpu=cortex-m0plus.small-multiply

Floating Point Support

After one of the following to the architecture flags:

  • -mfloat-abi=soft: if the processor is an cortex-m3 or below
  • -mfloat-abi=softfp: if the processor is a cortex-m4 and above AND also has a floating point unit. This can be determined by searching the data sheet.

Creating components for the library

libhal target library's split up the library into components, one for each microcontroller variant. For LPC40 that split would look like: libhal::lpc4072, libhal::lpc4074, libhal::lpc4076, libhal::lpc4078, and libhal::lpc4088. When a build system, for example, uses the libhal::lpc4078 component, it includes the necessary compiler flags and linker script selection.

Along with these components, will be a special generic component named libhal::lpc which does not provide any compiler flags or linker script. This special target is used for applications that want to use their own linker script, or for software running on a host machine like simulations or unit tests.

To add components it must be added in the package_info method of the ConanFile package class. Here is what it looks like for the libhal-lpc library. Copy this section and tailor it to your needs.

def package_info(self):
  # Specify, for the component, all requirements of the package
  requirements_list = ["libhal::libhal",

  # List of REQUIRED compiler flags for the gnu-arm-embedded-toolchain for some
  # of the chips. These are determined by the capabilities of the chip.
  # For example all but the lpc4072 and lpc4074 have hardware floating point
  # arithmetic support so they ought to use "float-abi=softfp" which uses the
  # floating point hardware BUT is ABI compatible with the software
  # implementation.
  m4f_architecture_flags = [

  # List of REQUIRED compiler flags for the gnu-arm-embedded-toolchain for
  # some of the chips. These are determined by the capabilities of the chip.
  # For example the lpc4072 and lpc4074 do not have hardware floating point
  # arithmetic support so they must use "float-abi=soft" for a software
  # implementation.
  m4_architecture_flags = [

  # Create a path to the linker_script directory which resides in the
  # package's package_folder.
  linker_path = os.path.join(self.package_folder, "linker_script")

  # Set the cmake file name
  self.cpp_info.set_property("cmake_file_name", "libhal-lpc")
  # All the package to be found in anyway with cmake
  self.cpp_info.set_property("cmake_find_mode", "both")

  # Create the special/generic component "lpc" and set its component name
      "cmake_target_name",  "libhal::lpc")

  # This is where we add the path to our linker scripts to the set of linker
  # flags.
  self.cpp_info.components["lpc"].exelinkflags.append("-L" + linker_path)

  # Add the list of requirements to the generic component
  self.cpp_info.components["lpc"].requires = requirements_list

  # Helper function for creating components
  def create_component(self, component, flags):

      link_script = "-Tlibhal-lpc/" + component + ".ld"
      component_name = "libhal::" + component
          "cmake_target_name", component_name)
      # Make the special component the only requirement for the component,
      # inheriting all of the transitive dependencies.
      self.cpp_info.components[component].requires = ["lpc"]
      # Add the link script and flags to the component's linker flags and
      # compiler flags
      # Add flags to the cflags & cxxflags to ensure that each compilation unit
      # Knows the instruction set and float ABI
      self.cpp_info.components[component].cflags = flags
      self.cpp_info.components[component].cxxflags = flags

  # Create the components for each chip.
  create_component(self, "lpc4072", m4_architecture_flags)
  create_component(self, "lpc4074", m4_architecture_flags)
  create_component(self, "lpc4076", m4f_architecture_flags)
  create_component(self, "lpc4078", m4f_architecture_flags)
  create_component(self, "lpc4088", m4f_architecture_flags)


Creating the package

Run conan create . in the folder with the recipe in it. The test package and build stages should show something like this during the cmake phase:

-- Conan: Component target declared 'libhal::lpc'
-- Conan: Component target declared 'libhal::lpc4072'
-- Conan: Component target declared 'libhal::lpc4074'
-- Conan: Component target declared 'libhal::lpc4076'
-- Conan: Component target declared 'libhal::lpc4078'
-- Conan: Component target declared 'libhal::lpc4088'

Testing out a demo

Create a demo and have it require the library. In this case the demo may include:

from conan import ConanFile
from import CMake, cmake_layout

class Lpc40xxDemos(ConanFile):
    settings = "compiler", "build_type"
    generators = "CMakeToolchain", "CMakeDeps", "VirtualBuildEnv"

    def requirements(self):
        self.requires("libhal-lpc/1.1.4") # <-- change this
        self.requires("libhal-util/[^1.0.0]") # <-- update this if necessary

    def layout(self):

    def build(self):
        cmake = CMake(self)

Change the library name to the library you are creating.


The above two requirements are required to download and install the toolchain/compiler and the cmake toolchain/helper files. The project should compile if everything was done correctly.