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hal::input_pin Interface Tutorial

In this tutorial, we'll learn about the hal::input_pin interface and how digital input pins work. This interface provides a hardware abstraction for digital input pins, making it easier to read the pin state and determine if the voltage on it is HIGH or LOW.

What is a Digital Input Pin?

A digital input pin is a pin on a microcontroller that reads the voltage level applied to it. The pin can read either a HIGH or a LOW voltage level. In most cases, a HIGH voltage level is represented by the supply voltage (e.g., 3.3V or 5V), while a LOW voltage level is represented by the ground (0V). Digital input pins are commonly used to read signals from sensors, buttons, and other external devices.

Understanding the hal::input_pin Interface

The hal::input_pin interface is designed to provide a consistent way to interact with digital input pins across various hardware platforms. It consists of a few key components:

1. settings Structure

This structure holds the generic settings for input pins. It currently contains a single field, pin_resistor, which represents the pull resistor configuration for the input pin. The pull resistor can be set to pull_up or pull_down, depending on the hardware requirements.

2. level_t Structure

The level_t structure is used to represent the measured state of the input pin. It has a single boolean field, state, which indicates whether the pin is at a HIGH voltage level (true) or a LOW voltage level (false).

3. configure Method

This method is used to configure the input pin according to the supplied settings. It takes a settings object as an argument and returns a status object indicating success or failure. If the settings cannot be achieved, an std::errc::invalid_argument exception is thrown.

4. level Method

The level method reads the state of the input pin and returns a result<level_t> object. A true value indicates a HIGH voltage level, while a false value indicates a LOW voltage level.

5. Virtual Driver Methods

The driver_configure and driver_level methods are virtual and must be implemented by the derived class for specific hardware platforms. These methods are responsible for configuring the input pin and reading its level, respectively.

Using the hal::input_pin Interface

To use the hal::input_pin interface, you need to create a derived class that implements the virtual driver methods for your specific hardware platform. Here's a basic outline of how to do that:

  1. Include the input_pin.hpp header file in your project.
  2. Create a derived class that inherits from hal::input_pin.
  3. Implement the driver_configure and driver_level methods in your derived class.
#include "input_pin.hpp"

class my_input_pin : public hal::input_pin {
  virtual hal::status driver_configure(const hal::input_pin::settings&
      p_settings) override
    // Implement hardware-specific configuration logic here

  virtual hal::result<hal::input_pin::level_t> driver_level() override
    // Implement hardware-specific level reading logic here

Once you've created your derived class, you can use the configure and level methods to interact with the digital input pin.

my_input_pin input_pin;
hal::input_pin::settings pin_settings;
pin_settings.resistor = hal::pin_resistor::pull_up;

auto configStatus = input_pin.configure(pin_settings);
if (configStatus == hal::status::success) {
// Successfully configured the input pin
} else {
// Handle configuration failure

// Read the state of the input pin
auto pin_level_result = input_pin.level();
if (pin_level_result) {
  hal::input_pin::level_t pinLevel = pin_level_result.value();
  if (pinLevel.state) {
     // The pin is at a HIGH voltage level
  } else {
     // The pin is at a LOW voltage level
} else {
   // Handle level reading failure

Digital Input Pin Tutorial

Now that you understand the hal::input_pin interface, let's explore how digital input pins work in more detail.

Digital input pins are used to read the voltage level applied to them. When a voltage level is applied to the pin, it compares the voltage to a threshold value to determine if the pin should read HIGH or LOW. This threshold is often set at around half of the supply voltage.

When using digital input pins, it's essential to consider pull-up or pull-down resistors. These resistors help prevent undefined behavior caused by floating pins. A floating pin is a pin that is not connected to a HIGH or LOW voltage source and can pick up noise, resulting in unpredictable behavior.

Pull-Up Resistor

A pull-up resistor connects the digital input pin to the supply voltage (Vcc) through a resistor. When no external voltage is applied to the pin, the pull-up resistor pulls the voltage level to Vcc, causing the pin to read HIGH. When an external device connects the pin to ground (GND), the pin reads LOW.

Pull-Down Resistor

A pull-down resistor connects the digital input pin to ground (GND) through a resistor. When no external voltage is applied to the pin, the pull-down resistor pulls the voltage level to GND, causing the pin to read LOW. When an external device connects the pin to the supply voltage (Vcc), the pin reads HIGH.

It's important to choose the appropriate pull resistor configuration based on your specific hardware and application requirements. The hal::input_pin::settings structure in the hal::input_pin interface allows you to specify the pull resistor configuration for your input pin.

To use the hal::input_pin interface with the appropriate pull resistor configuration, create a derived class as described earlier in the tutorial. In the driver_configure method implementation, configure your hardware platform to use the specified pull resistor settings. Then, use the configure and level methods provided by the hal::input_pin interface to interact with the digital input pin and read its state.