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🚀 Trying out libhal

Necessary Parts

In order to complete this tutorial you'll need these parts:

  1. STM32F103 MicroMod or LPC4078 MicroMod or SJ2 Board
  2. Sparkfun ATP board or SJ3 Board or SJ2 Board
  3. STLink V2
  4. STLink V2 to JTAG connector


libhal development kit is in development

🛠ïļ Building Demos

Make sure to complete 🧰 Install Prerequisites

Cloning the target libraries

Clone the target library you would like to run the demos for. You can download just one or both if you have both devices.

git clone
cd libhal-lpc40/demo
git clone
cd libhal-stm32f1/demo

Building using Conan & CMake

To build using conan and cmake, you just need to run the following:

conan build . -b missing


You only have to include -b missing if you get an error stating that the prebuilt binaries are missing. -b missing will build them locally for your machine. After which those libraries will be cached on your machine and you'll no longer need to include those arguments.


If you want to create release packages which enables optimizations, you will need to add the -s build_type=Release to your conan build command:

conan build . -b missing -s build_type=Release

When this completes you should have some applications in the build/Debug/ with names such as lpc4078_uart.elf or stm32f103_blinker.elf.

ðŸ’ū Uploading Demos to Device

There are python programs built for uploading binary files to devices.

First step is connecting your MicroMod carrier board to your computer using the USB-C connector.


Don't know which serial port to use? Use this guide Find Arduino Port on Windows, Mac, and Linux from the MATLAB docs to help. Simply ignore that its made for Arduino, this guide will work for any serial USB device.

Install the nxpprog flashing software for LPC devices:

python3 -m pip install nxpprog


On Ubuntu 22.04 you will need to use the command python3.9 because the default python is usually 3.8.

python3.9 -m pip install nxpprog
nxpprog --control --binary "build/Debug/lpc4078_uart.elf.bin" --device "/dev/tty.usbserial-140"
  • Replace /dev/tty.usbserial-140 with the correct port.
  • Use "build/Debug/lpc4078_uart.elf.bin" or replace it with any other application to be uploaded.

Install the stm32loader flashing software for STM32 devices:

python3 -m pip install stm32loader -p /dev/tty.usbserial-140 -e -w -v "build/Debug/stm32f103_uart.elf.bin"
  • Replace /dev/tty.usbserial-140 with the correct port.
  • Use "build/Debug/stm32f103_uart.elf.bin" or replace it with any other application to be uploaded.