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Class hal::lpc40::i2c

ClassList > hal > lpc40 > i2c

Inherits the following classes: hal::i2c


Type Name
struct bus_info

Public Types

Type Name
typedef std::span< hal::byte >::iterator read_iterator
typedef std::span< const hal::byte >::iterator write_iterator

Public Functions

Type Name
i2c (i2c & p_other) = delete
i2c (i2c && p_other) noexcept
i2c & operator= (i2c & p_other) = delete
i2c & operator= (i2c && p_other) noexcept
virtual ~i2c ()

Public Functions inherited from hal::i2c

See hal::i2c

Type Name
status configure (const settings & p_settings)
Configure i2c to match the settings supplied.
result< transaction_t > transaction (hal::byte p_address, std::span< const hal::byte > p_data_out, std::span< hal::byte > p_data_in, hal::function_ref< hal::timeout_function > p_timeout)
perform an i2c transaction with another device on the bus. The type of transaction depends on values of input parameters. This function will block until the entire transfer is finished.
virtual ~i2c () = default

Public Static Functions

Type Name
result< i2c > get (std::uint8_t p_bus, const i2c::settings & p_settings={})

Public Types Documentation

typedef read_iterator

using hal::lpc40::i2c::read_iterator =  std::span<hal::byte>::iterator;

typedef write_iterator

using hal::lpc40::i2c::write_iterator =  std::span<const hal::byte>::iterator;

Public Functions Documentation

function i2c [1/3]

hal::lpc40::i2c::i2c (
    i2c & p_other
) = delete

function i2c [2/3]

hal::lpc40::i2c::i2c (
    i2c && p_other
) noexcept

function operator=

i2c & hal::lpc40::i2c::operator= (
    i2c & p_other
) = delete

function operator=

i2c & hal::lpc40::i2c::operator= (
    i2c && p_other
) noexcept

function ~i2c

virtual hal::lpc40::i2c::~i2c () 

Implements hal::i2c::~i2c

Public Static Functions Documentation

function get

static result< i2c > hal::lpc40::i2c::get (
    std::uint8_t p_bus,
    const i2c::settings & p_settings={}

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file libraries/include/libhal-lpc40/i2c.hpp