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Class hal::lpc40::power

ClassList > hal > lpc40 > power

Power control for lpc40xx peripherals.

  • #include <power.hpp>

Public Functions

Type Name
bool is_on ()
Check if the peripheral is powered on.
void off ()
Power off peripheral.
void on ()
Power on the peripheral.
power (peripheral p_peripheral)
Construct a new power control object.

Public Functions Documentation

function is_on

Check if the peripheral is powered on.

bool hal::lpc40::power::is_on () 


true - peripheral is on


false - peripheral is off

function off

void hal::lpc40::power::off () 

function on

void hal::lpc40::power::on () 

function power

Construct a new power control object.

hal::lpc40::power::power (
    peripheral p_peripheral


  • p_peripheral - id of the peripheral to configure

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file libraries/include/libhal-lpc40/power.hpp