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Class hal::rmd::mc_x

ClassList > hal > rmd > mc_x

Driver for RMD series motors equip with the MC-X motor driver.

  • #include <mc_x.hpp>


Type Name
struct feedback_t

Public Types

Type Name
enum hal::byte actuate
Commands for actuate the motor.
enum hal::byte read
Commands that can be issued to a RMD-X motor.
enum hal::byte system
Commands for controlling the motor as a whole.
enum hal::byte write
Commands for updating motor configuration data.

Public Functions

Type Name
const feedback_t & feedback () const
Get feedback about the motor.
status feedback_request (read p_command)
Request feedback from the motor.
mc_x (mc_x & p_other) = delete
mc_x (mc_x && p_other) noexcept
void operator() (const can::message_t & p_message)
Handle messages from the can bus with this devices ID.
mc_x & operator= (mc_x & p_other) = delete
mc_x & operator= (mc_x && p_other) noexcept
status position_control (degrees p_angle, rpm speed)
Move motor shaft to a specific angle.
status system_control (system p_system_command)
Send system control commands to the device.
status velocity_control (rpm p_speed)
Rotate motor shaft at the designated speed.

Public Static Functions

Type Name
result< mc_x > create (hal::can_router & p_router, hal::steady_clock & p_clock, float p_gear_ratio, can::id_t device_id, hal::time_duration p_max_response_time=std::chrono::milliseconds(10))
Create a new mc_x device driver.

Public Types Documentation

enum actuate

enum hal::rmd::mc_x::actuate {
    torque = 0xA1,
    speed = 0xA2,
    position = 0xA5

enum read

enum hal::rmd::mc_x::read {
    multi_turns_angle = 0x92,
    status_1_and_error_flags = 0x9A,
    status_2 = 0x9C

enum system

enum hal::rmd::mc_x::system {
    off = 0x80,
    stop = 0x81

enum write

enum hal::rmd::mc_x::write;

Public Functions Documentation

function feedback

Get feedback about the motor.

const feedback_t & hal::rmd::mc_x::feedback () const

This object contains cached data from each response returned from the motor. It is updated when any of the control or feedback APIs are called. This object will not update without one of those APIs being called.


const feedback_t& - information about the motor


  • std::errc::timed_out - if a response is not returned within the max response time set at creation.

function feedback_request

Request feedback from the motor.

status hal::rmd::mc_x::feedback_request (
    read p_command


  • p_command - the request to command the motor to respond with


status - success or failure


  • std::errc::timed_out - if a response is not returned within the max response time set at creation.

function mc_x [1/3]

hal::rmd::mc_x::mc_x (
    mc_x & p_other
) = delete

function mc_x [2/3]

hal::rmd::mc_x::mc_x (
    mc_x && p_other
) noexcept

function operator()

Handle messages from the can bus with this devices ID.

void hal::rmd::mc_x::operator() (
    const can::message_t & p_message

Meant mostly for testing purposes.


  • p_message - message received from the bus

function operator=

mc_x & hal::rmd::mc_x::operator= (
    mc_x & p_other
) = delete

function operator=

mc_x & hal::rmd::mc_x::operator= (
    mc_x && p_other
) noexcept

function position_control

Move motor shaft to a specific angle.

status hal::rmd::mc_x::position_control (
    degrees p_angle,
    rpm speed


  • p_angle - angle position in degrees to move to
  • speed - speed in rpm's


status - success or failure


  • std::errc::timed_out - if a response is not returned within the max response time set at creation.

function system_control

Send system control commands to the device.

status hal::rmd::mc_x::system_control (
    system p_system_command


  • p_system_command - system control command to send to the device


status - success or failure status


  • std::errc::timed_out - if a response is not returned within the max response time set at creation.

function velocity_control

Rotate motor shaft at the designated speed.

status hal::rmd::mc_x::velocity_control (
    rpm p_speed


  • p_speed - speed in rpm to move the motor shaft at. Positive values rotate the motor shaft clockwise, negative values rotate the motor shaft counter-clockwise assuming you are looking directly at the motor shaft.


status - success or failure


  • std::errc::timed_out - if a response is not returned within the max response time set at creation.

Public Static Functions Documentation

function create

Create a new mc_x device driver.

static result< mc_x > hal::rmd::mc_x::create (
    hal::can_router & p_router,
    hal::steady_clock & p_clock,
    float p_gear_ratio,
    can::id_t device_id,
    hal::time_duration p_max_response_time=std::chrono::milliseconds(10)


  • p_router - can router to use
  • p_clock - clocked used to determine timeouts
  • p_gear_ratio - gear ratio of the motor
  • device_id - The CAN ID of the motor
  • p_max_response_time - maximum amount of time to wait for a response from the motor.


result<mc_x> - the mc_x driver or an error (no errors are currently generated from this function)

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file libraries/include/libhal-rmd/mc_x.hpp