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Class hal::soft::inert_magnetometer

ClassList > hal > soft > inert_magnetometer

Inert implementation of magnetic field strength sensing hardware.

  • #include <inert_magnetometer.hpp>

Inherits the following classes: hal::magnetometer

Public Functions inherited from hal::magnetometer

See hal::magnetometer

Type Name
result< read_t > read ()
Read the latest magnetic field strength sensed by the device.
virtual ~magnetometer () = default

Public Static Functions

Type Name
result< inert_magnetometer > create (read_t p_result)
Factory function to create an inert_magnetometer object.

Public Static Functions Documentation

function create

Factory function to create an inert_magnetometer object.

static inline result< inert_magnetometer > hal::soft::inert_magnetometer::create (
    read_t p_result


  • p_result - read_t object to return when read() is called


result<inert_magnetometer> - Constructed inert_magnetometer object

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file libraries/include/libhal-soft/inert_drivers/inert_magnetometer.hpp