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Class hal::soft::rc_servo

ClassList > hal > soft > rc_servo

Generic RC servo driver.

  • #include <rc_servo.hpp>

Inherits the following classes: hal::servo


Type Name
struct settings
Information about the RC servo needed to control it properly.

Public Functions inherited from hal::servo

See hal::servo

Type Name
result< position_t > position (hal::degrees p_position)
Set the position of the servo's output shaft.
virtual ~servo () = default

Public Static Functions

Type Name
result< rc_servo > create (hal::pwm & p_pwm, settings p_settings)
Factory function to create a rc_servo object.

Public Static Functions Documentation

function create

Factory function to create a rc_servo object.

static result< rc_servo > hal::soft::rc_servo::create (
    hal::pwm & p_pwm,
    settings p_settings

Compile time error will occur if the min microseconds is more than the max microseconds, if the max microseconds is more than the frequency wavelength, or if the min angle is more than max angle.


  • p_pwm - pwm signal connected to the RC servo
  • p_settings -


result<rc_servo> - Constructed rc_servo object

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file libraries/include/libhal-soft/rc_servo.hpp