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Class hal::static_list::item_iterator

ClassList > hal > static_list > item_iterator

Iterator for the static list. More...

  • #include <static_list.hpp>

Public Types

Type Name
typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type
typedef std::bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category
typedef value_type * pointer
typedef value_type & reference
typedef Object value_type

Public Functions

Type Name
item_iterator (item * p_item, const static_list * p_list=nullptr)
bool operator!= (const item_iterator & p_other) const
reference operator* ()
reference operator* () const
item_iterator operator++ ()
item_iterator operator++ (] int p_other)
item_iterator operator-- ()
item_iterator operator-- (] int p_other)
pointer operator-> ()
pointer operator-> () const
bool operator== (const item_iterator & p_other) const

Detailed Description

Implements the C++ named requirement of "LegacyBidirectionalIterator".

Public Types Documentation

typedef difference_type

using hal::static_list< Object >::item_iterator::difference_type =  std::ptrdiff_t;

typedef iterator_category

using hal::static_list< Object >::item_iterator::iterator_category =  std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;

typedef pointer

using hal::static_list< Object >::item_iterator::pointer =  value_type*;

typedef reference

using hal::static_list< Object >::item_iterator::reference =  value_type&;

typedef value_type

using hal::static_list< Object >::item_iterator::value_type =  Object;

Public Functions Documentation

function item_iterator

inline explicit hal::static_list::item_iterator::item_iterator (
    item * p_item,
    const static_list * p_list=nullptr

function operator!=

inline bool hal::static_list::item_iterator::operator!= (
    const item_iterator & p_other
) const

function operator*

inline reference hal::static_list::item_iterator::operator* () 

function operator*

inline reference hal::static_list::item_iterator::operator* () const

function operator++

inline item_iterator hal::static_list::item_iterator::operator++ () 

function operator++

inline item_iterator hal::static_list::item_iterator::operator++ (
    ] int p_other

function operator--

inline item_iterator hal::static_list::item_iterator::operator-- () 

function operator--

inline item_iterator hal::static_list::item_iterator::operator-- (
    ] int p_other

function operator->

inline pointer hal::static_list::item_iterator::operator-> () 

function operator->

inline pointer hal::static_list::item_iterator::operator-> () const

function operator==

inline bool hal::static_list::item_iterator::operator== (
    const item_iterator & p_other
) const

Friends Documentation

friend static_list

class hal::static_list::item_iterator::static_list (

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file libraries/include/libhal-util/static_list.hpp