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Class hal::stm32f1::output_pin

ClassList > hal > stm32f1 > output_pin

Output pin implementation for the stm32::f10x.

  • #include <output_pin.hpp>

Inherits the following classes: hal::output_pin

Public Functions inherited from hal::output_pin

See hal::output_pin

Type Name
status configure (const settings & p_settings)
Configure the output pin to match the settings supplied.
result< set_level_t > level (bool p_high)
Set the state of the pin.
result< level_t > level ()
Read the current state of the output pin.
virtual ~output_pin () = default

Public Static Functions

Type Name
result< output_pin > get (std::uint8_t p_port, std::uint8_t p_pin, output_pin::settings p_settings={})
Get the output pin object.

Public Static Functions Documentation

function get

Get the output pin object.

static result< output_pin > hal::stm32f1::output_pin::get (
    std::uint8_t p_port,
    std::uint8_t p_pin,
    output_pin::settings p_settings={}


  • p_port - selects pin port to use
  • p_pin - selects which pin within the port to use
  • p_settings - initial pin settings


result<output_pin> - reference to the statically allocated output pin

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file libraries/include/libhal-stm32f1/output_pin.hpp