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Class hal::stream_fill_upto

ClassList > hal > stream_fill_upto

Discard received bytes until the sequence is found.

  • #include <streams.hpp>

Public Functions

Type Name
std::span< hal::byte > span ()
work_state state ()
stream_fill_upto (std::span< const hal::byte > p_sequence, std::span< hal::byte > p_buffer)
Construct a new fill upto object.
std::span< hal::byte > unfilled ()

Public Functions Documentation

function span

std::span< hal::byte > hal::stream_fill_upto::span () 

function state

work_state hal::stream_fill_upto::state () 

function stream_fill_upto

Construct a new fill upto object.

hal::stream_fill_upto::stream_fill_upto (
    std::span< const hal::byte > p_sequence,
    std::span< hal::byte > p_buffer


  • p_sequence - sequence to search for. The lifetime of this data pointed to by this span must outlive this object, or not be used when the lifetime of that data is no longer available.
  • p_buffer - buffer to fill data into

function unfilled

std::span< hal::byte > hal::stream_fill_upto::unfilled () 

Friends Documentation

friend operator|

std::span< const hal::byte > hal::stream_fill_upto::operator| (
    const std::span< const hal::byte > & p_input_data,
    stream_fill_upto & p_self

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file libraries/include/libhal-util/streams.hpp