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Struct hal::can::message_t

ClassList > hal > can > message_t

A CAN message.

  • #include <can.hpp>

Public Attributes

Type Name
id_t id
ID of the message.
bool is_remote_request = = false
Determines if the message is a remote request frame.
uint8_t length = = 0
The number of valid elements in the payload.
std::array< hal::byte, 8 > payload = {}
Message data contents.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable id

id_t hal::can::message_t::id;

variable is_remote_request

Determines if the message is a remote request frame.

bool hal::can::message_t::is_remote_request;

If true, then length and payload are ignored.

variable length

The number of valid elements in the payload.

uint8_t hal::can::message_t::length;

Can be between 0 and 8. A length value above 8 should be considered invalid and can be discarded.

variable payload

std::array<hal::byte, 8> hal::can::message_t::payload;

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file libraries/include/libhal/can.hpp