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Struct hal::lpc40::clock::configuration

ClassList > hal > lpc40 > clock > configuration

Clock configuration object.

  • #include <clock.hpp>


Type Name
struct cpu_t
cpu clock control config struct
struct pll_t
phase locked loops config struct
struct spifi_t
spifi clock control config struct
struct usb_t
usb clock control config struct

Public Attributes

Type Name
cpu_t cpu = = {}
cpu clock control
bool emc_half_cpu_divider = = false
hertz oscillator_frequency = = irc_frequency
the frequency of the input oscillator
uint8_t peripheral_divider = = 4
Defines the peripheral clock divider amount.
std::array< pll_t, 2 > pll = = {}
phase locked loops for both pll[0] and pll[1]
spifi_t spifi = = {}
spifi clock control
usb_t usb = = {}
usb clock control
bool use_external_oscillator = = false
set to true to use external XTC

Public Attributes Documentation

variable cpu

cpu_t hal::lpc40::clock::configuration::cpu;

variable emc_half_cpu_divider

bool hal::lpc40::clock::configuration::emc_half_cpu_divider;

Set true to make the EMC divider half as slow as the CPU divider. Set to false to set it to equal that amount.

variable oscillator_frequency

hertz hal::lpc40::clock::configuration::oscillator_frequency;

variable peripheral_divider

uint8_t hal::lpc40::clock::configuration::peripheral_divider;

variable pll

std::array<pll_t, 2> hal::lpc40::clock::configuration::pll;

variable spifi

spifi_t hal::lpc40::clock::configuration::spifi;

variable usb

usb_t hal::lpc40::clock::configuration::usb;

variable use_external_oscillator

bool hal::lpc40::clock::configuration::use_external_oscillator;

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file libraries/include/libhal-lpc40/clock.hpp