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Struct hal::lpc40::pwm::channel

ClassList > hal > lpc40 > pwm > channel

Channel specific information.

  • #include <pwm.hpp>

Public Attributes

Type Name
uint8_t index
Channel index.
peripheral peripheral_id
peripheral id used to power on the pwm peripheral at creation
uint8_t pin_function
Pin function code.
pin pwm_pin
Pin to output pwm from.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable index

uint8_t hal::lpc40::pwm::channel::index;

variable peripheral_id

peripheral hal::lpc40::pwm::channel::peripheral_id;

variable pin_function

uint8_t hal::lpc40::pwm::channel::pin_function;

variable pwm_pin

pin hal::lpc40::pwm::channel::pwm_pin;

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file libraries/include/libhal-lpc40/pwm.hpp