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Struct hal::lpc40::uart::port

ClassList > hal > lpc40 > uart > port


  • #include <uart.hpp>

Public Attributes

Type Name
peripheral id
Resource ID of the UART peripheral to power on at initialization.
irq irq_number
Interrupt request number.
pin rx
Reference to a uart receiver pin.
std::uint8_t rx_function
Function code to set the receive pin to uart receiver.
pin tx
Reference to a uart transmitter pin.
std::uint8_t tx_function
Function code to set the transmit pin to uart transmitter.

Detailed Description

Port contains all of the information that the lpc40 uart port needs to operate.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable id

peripheral hal::lpc40::uart::port::id;

variable irq_number

irq hal::lpc40::uart::port::irq_number;

variable rx

pin hal::lpc40::uart::port::rx;

variable rx_function

std::uint8_t hal::lpc40::uart::port::rx_function;

variable tx

pin hal::lpc40::uart::port::tx;

variable tx_function

std::uint8_t hal::lpc40::uart::port::tx_function;

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file libraries/include/libhal-lpc40/uart.hpp