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Struct hal::rmd::mc_x::feedback_t

ClassList > hal > rmd > mc_x > feedback_t


  • #include <mc_x.hpp>

Public Attributes

Type Name
std::int16_t encoder = { 0 }
Signed 16-bit raw encoder count value of the motor.
std::uint32_t message_number = = 0
std::int16_t raw_current = { 0 }
std::uint16_t raw_error_state = { 0 }
16-bit value containing error flag information
std::int8_t raw_motor_temperature = { 0 }
Core temperature of the motor (1C/LSB)
std::int64_t raw_multi_turn_angle = { 0 }
std::int16_t raw_speed = { 0 }
Rotational velocity of the motor (1 degrees per second (dps)/LSB)
std::int16_t raw_volts = { 0 }
Motor's supply voltage (0.1V/LSB)

Public Functions

Type Name
hal::degrees angle () noexcept const
hal::ampere current () noexcept const
bool encoder_calibration_error () noexcept const
bool low_pressure () noexcept const
bool motor_stall () noexcept const
bool over_current () noexcept const
bool over_temperature () noexcept const
bool over_voltage () noexcept const
bool power_overrun () noexcept const
hal::rpm speed () noexcept const
bool speeding () noexcept const
hal::celsius temperature () noexcept const
hal::volts volts () noexcept const

Detailed Description

Structure containing all of the forms of feedback acquired by an RMD-X motor

Public Attributes Documentation

variable encoder

std::int16_t hal::rmd::mc_x::feedback_t::encoder;

variable message_number

std::uint32_t hal::rmd::mc_x::feedback_t::message_number;

Every time a message from our motor is received this number increments. This can be used to indicate if the feedback has updated since the last time it was read.

variable raw_current

std::int16_t hal::rmd::mc_x::feedback_t::raw_current;

Current flowing through the motor windings (-2048 <-> 2048 ==> -33A <-> 33A)

variable raw_error_state

std::uint16_t hal::rmd::mc_x::feedback_t::raw_error_state;

variable raw_motor_temperature

std::int8_t hal::rmd::mc_x::feedback_t::raw_motor_temperature;

variable raw_multi_turn_angle

std::int64_t hal::rmd::mc_x::feedback_t::raw_multi_turn_angle;

Represents the multi-turn absolute angle of the encoder relative to its zero starting point (0.01°/LSB)

variable raw_speed

std::int16_t hal::rmd::mc_x::feedback_t::raw_speed;

variable raw_volts

std::int16_t hal::rmd::mc_x::feedback_t::raw_volts;

Public Functions Documentation

function angle

hal::degrees hal::rmd::mc_x::feedback_t::angle () noexcept const

function current

hal::ampere hal::rmd::mc_x::feedback_t::current () noexcept const

function encoder_calibration_error

bool hal::rmd::mc_x::feedback_t::encoder_calibration_error () noexcept const

function low_pressure

bool hal::rmd::mc_x::feedback_t::low_pressure () noexcept const

function motor_stall

bool hal::rmd::mc_x::feedback_t::motor_stall () noexcept const

function over_current

bool hal::rmd::mc_x::feedback_t::over_current () noexcept const

function over_temperature

bool hal::rmd::mc_x::feedback_t::over_temperature () noexcept const

function over_voltage

bool hal::rmd::mc_x::feedback_t::over_voltage () noexcept const

function power_overrun

bool hal::rmd::mc_x::feedback_t::power_overrun () noexcept const

function speed

hal::rpm hal::rmd::mc_x::feedback_t::speed () noexcept const

function speeding

bool hal::rmd::mc_x::feedback_t::speeding () noexcept const

function temperature

hal::celsius hal::rmd::mc_x::feedback_t::temperature () noexcept const

function volts

hal::volts hal::rmd::mc_x::feedback_t::volts () noexcept const

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file libraries/include/libhal-rmd/mc_x.hpp