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Struct hal::spi::settings

ClassList > hal > spi > settings

Generic settings for a standard SPI device.

  • #include <spi.hpp>

Public Attributes

Type Name
bool clock_idles_high = = false
The polarity of the pins when the signal is idle.
hertz clock_rate = = 100.0_kHz
Serial clock frequency in hertz.
bool data_valid_on_trailing_edge = = false
The phase of the clock signal when communicating.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable clock_idles_high

bool hal::spi::settings::clock_idles_high;

variable clock_rate

hertz hal::spi::settings::clock_rate;

variable data_valid_on_trailing_edge

bool hal::spi::settings::data_valid_on_trailing_edge;

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file libraries/include/libhal/spi.hpp