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ðŸ§ą Fundamentals of libhal

At its core, libhal is a set of interfaces that correspond to hardware devices and peripherals. These interfaces use runtime polymorphism to decouple application logic from driver implementation details. This decoupling enables applications to run on any platform device that has the necessary components available.

Types of Libraries

In libhal, libraries are categorized into platform, utility, device, process, and application/operating system libraries.

  • Processor Libraries: Contain the driver implementations for specific processor. Generally, these libraries are not direct dependencies in an application. These are depended upon by platform libraries, which use them to make their own drivers work.
  • Platform Libraries: Contain the driver implementations for specific platforms. Every application that uses libhal will need one of these libraries in order to work on any hardware.
  • Utility Libraries: Software libraries to make writing libhal code easier.
  • Device Libraries: Libraries containing drivers for specific hardware devices or modules, such as a sensor, display, or a motor controller. They are generally platform agnostic and should be usable on any system that can support the driver requirements, memory requirements and performance requirements.
  • Process Libraries: Code that performs some work. This work usually requires one or more drivers in order to work. This is similar to an application on a device like a desktop computer or smartphone, but on an embedded system. These processes can be called multiple times to perform work or be used as the function for a thread.
  • Application Libraries: Full applications that typically handle and take over the whole system.
  • RTOS Libraries: RTOS stands for Real Time Operating System and using these libraries will enable multi-tasking and multi-threading capability to the application.
  • Software Libraries: These libraries are purely software-based and do not directly interact with hardware. They provide useful utilities, data structures, algorithms, and other software components that can be used across different parts of an application. Examples might include an efficient circular buffer implementation, a data structure for facilitating cross-driver communication, or a driver that performs a specific algorithm on data. These libraries are platform-agnostic and can be used in any application that meets their requirements.


Interfaces are the basic building blocks of libhal and enable the flexibility needed to be portable and flexible. An interface is a contract of functions that an implementing class must adhere to. Any software that implements (inherits) an interface must provide implementations for each function in the interface, otherwise the compiler will generate a compiler error.

Not all libraries will implement an interface. Some drivers are

Driver Types

  • Peripheral Drivers: Drivers for a platform that is embedded within the platform or development board and therefore cannot be removed from the chip and is fixed in number.
  • Device Drivers: Drivers for devices external to a platform. In order to communicate with such a device the platform must have the necessary peripherals and peripheral drivers to operate correctly.
  • Soft Drivers: Drivers that do not have any specific underlying hardware associated with them. They are used to emulate, give context to, or alter the behavior of interfaces.

Concrete Drivers

In libhal, not all drivers are designed to implement an interface. These drivers, referred to as "Concrete Drivers", are unique in that they typically do not contain virtual functions and cannot be passed in a generic form. Despite this, they play a crucial role in the library due to their specific functionality and support for certain hardware components.

Concrete Drivers are fully realized classes that provide direct, specific functionality. They are designed to interact with a particular piece of hardware or perform a specific task, and their methods provide a direct interface to that hardware or task. Because they do not implement an interface, they cannot be used polymorphically like other drivers in libhal. However, their specificity allows them to provide robust, efficient, and direct control over their associated hardware.

These drivers are particularly useful in scenarios where a specific piece of hardware or a specific task does not neatly fit into one of the existing libhal interfaces, or when the overhead of virtual functions is not desirable. Despite not conforming to a specific interface, Concrete Drivers adhere to the same design principles as other components of libhal, ensuring consistency and reliability across the library.

In libhal, not all drivers are designed to implement an interface. These drivers, referred to as "Concrete Drivers", are unique in that they typically do not contain virtual functions and cannot be passed in a generic form. Despite this, they play a crucial role in the library due to their specific functionality and support for certain hardware components.

Note that this isn't a distinct type outside of the list of Driver types mentioned above. Concrete drivers can be a peripheral, device and soft driver. They simply do not implement an interface.

Multi-Interface Support

Many Concrete Drivers can actually support multiple interfaces at once. For example, a driver for the RMD-X6 smart motor can act as a servo, a motor, a temperature sensor (for itself), a voltage sensor (for the bus it is connected to), a current sensor (for how much current it's consuming), and a rotation sensor (for its output shaft's position). To create these drivers from the concrete driver, an adaptor class must be used. These adaptor classes take the concrete class and use its methods in order to implement the interface APIs.

Adaptor Factory Functions

In libhal, there is a common language policy for adaptors. To create them you must call a factory function called make_<name of interface>() and it will return an adaptor_object. There is an overload for every driver that implements a particular interface. For example, in order to generate a servo from an RMD X6 servo object, it would look like this:

auto smart_servo_driver = make_servo(rmd_x6_driver);

This approach allows for a consistent and efficient way to create adaptors for various interfaces from a single concrete driver. It ensures that the concrete driver can be utilized to its full potential, providing access to all its capabilities through the appropriate interfaces.