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🧠 ARM Cortex-M Series Platform Bringup

To fully bring up an ARM Cortex-M series microcontroller for libhal, several critical elements need to be implemented:

  1. Conan profiles
  2. Linker scripts
  3. Continuous Integration & Deployment
  4. Platform Constants
  5. Core APIs

To ensure peripheral drivers operate without conflicts, such as clashing power control implementations, the following APIs must be implemented:

  1. Power control
  2. Pin Multiplexing
  3. Clock tree
  4. Direct Memory Access (DMA)

While not all devices support these features, and many drivers can function without them, implementing them ensures comprehensive peripheral support. For instance, on the LPC40xx series, GPIOs are enabled by default, and simple tasks like blinking an LED don't require knowledge of the system's clock speed or DMA.

However, accommodating all features enables support for all potential peripheral drivers.

Keep in mind that, as with all libhal tutorials, adaptability is key. Some chips may deviate from standard architectures; in such cases, a fundamental understanding and sound judgment are essential to ensure your system functions effectively.

πŸš€ Getting Started

libhal provides a template repository for ARM Cortex-M series platforms. Begin by visiting libhal-__platform__, clicking "Use this template," and then "Create new repository."

Your project should be named libhal-<insert platform name>. This standard naming triggers the GitHub action update_name.yml to create a pull request that updates names and files within the repo from __platform__ to your chosen name. Merge this pull request to proceed to the next phase.


If there is demand for platform names without the libhal- prefix, we can modify update_name.yml to accommodate this. Currently, we support only prefixed package names.

🌐 Conan Profiles

Libhal leverages Conan's robust profile system to specify the architecture and operating system for which an application is built. If you are new to libhal, refer to the "Getting Started" guide for details on building applications using compiler and platform profiles.

A microcontroller family consists of microcontrollers with nearly identical designs but variations in memory, storage, and peripherals. Since these variations share a common architecture, drivers can typically operate across the family.

Creating a Conan profile begins with understanding the device family. This determines the number of profiles needed. For example, the RP2040, which is a single-device family, would have one profile simply named rp2040. However, a chip family with 15 variations would require a distinct profile for each variant.

Components of a Typical Profile

Below is an example of a Conan profile for the rp2040 microcontroller:



Explanation of Settings

  • [settings]: This section configures the build environment for your code.
  • build_type: Defaults to MinSizeRel, optimizing for the smallest binary size, which is crucial for embedded applications.
  • os: Always set to baremetal for ARM Cortex-M processors, indicating a direct hardware operation without a traditional operating system.
  • arch: Specifies the processor architecture. It is essential to consult the user manual to identify the correct architecture as variations within the same family may exist. For instance, the LPC4078 uses a Cortex-M4F (with floating point unit), unlike the LPC4072, which uses a Cortex-M4 (without floating point unit). Supported architectures include cortex-m0, cortex-m0plus, cortex-m1, cortex-m3, cortex-m4, cortex-m4f, cortex-m7, cortex-m7f, cortex-m7d, cortex-m23, cortex-m33, cortex-m33f, cortex-m33p, cortex-m35p, cortex-m55, and cortex-m85.
  • libc: Should be set to custom to accommodate picolibc, which is preferable over the default newlib-nano used by the GNU ARM toolchain.

Options Section

  • [options]: This section defines library options for the build process. It facilitates the selection of specific package options within
  • *:platform=rp2040: This setting universally applies the rp2040 platform option across all packages, using * as a wildcard to ensure it affects all compiled packages.

Customizing Your Profile

To tailor this profile for different platforms, replace rp2040 with the relevant platform name and adjust arch to match the specific CPU architecture of your device. This customized approach ensures that the build settings are perfectly aligned with the hardware specifications of the microcontroller you are working with.

Using Profile Templates

Conan has the ability to use Jinja templates in its profiles allowing for the composition and expansion of profiles. So if you have a ton of devices in the same family with nearly identical bits of information, you can make a template for them. Check out the following examples:

Notice how the only thing that changes between these are the architecture and the platform.


arch={{ arch }}

*:platform={{ platform }}


{% set platform = "lpc4078" %}
{% set arch = "cortex-m4f" %}
{% include "lpc40" %}


{% set platform = "lpc4072" %}
{% set arch = "cortex-m4" %}
{% include "lpc40" %}

The only difference between the chips with respect to the settings and options is just the platform name so the template only needs to be used for the platform variable.



*:platform={{ platform }}


{% set platform = "stm32f103c8" %}
{% include "stm32f1" %}


{% set platform = "stm32f103vc" %}
{% include "stm32f1" %}

Directory structure

In order to allow changes into the future, it is advised to put your profiles in a v1 or vN directory. This way, if there is a significant change between the profiles into the future, code can still use the original profiles they used before.

πŸ”— Linker Scripts

Linker scripts play a crucial role in defining the memory layout of embedded systems. They are used to organize different types of data within the binary, such as code, initialized data, uninitialized data, read-only data, and thread local storage. These scripts also outline the memory regions available for the application.

The finer details about linker scripts and how they work can be found in the resources below:

This section will not go into detail about linker scripts but will provide you all of the steps to port your device to libhal platform library.

Standard Linker Script Template

The libhal-armcortex library provides standardized linker script templates, which can be easily adapted for specific platforms. An example template is available at: libhal-armcortex/linker_scripts/libhal-armcortex/standard.ld.

To utilize these templates, include the following definitions in your linker scripts directory:

__flash = 0x00000000;
__flash_size = 64K;
__ram = 0x10000000;
__ram_size = 16K;
__stack_size = 1K;

INCLUDE "libhal-armcortex/standard.ld"

The above configuration is an example from the lpc4072 script.

Customizing Linker Scripts

You need to specify:

  • The location and size of the flash memory within the device's address space.
  • The location and size of the main RAM.
  • The minimum stack size before the build should fail, typically set to 1K for libhal. Adjust this based on available RAM.

Each variation within a chip family, such as those in the LPC40xx series, requires its own linker script due to differences in flash and RAM sizes:

For example the chips in the LPC40xx series are:

Each has their own unique ram and flash amounts.

Similarly, the STM32F10x series has distinct linker scripts for each variant based on flash and RAM requirements, such as:

The STM32F103C8 belongs to the STM32F1 series of microcontrollers, which are part of the STM32 family of devices from STMicroelectronics. The naming scheme for this series can be broken down as follows:

  • STM32: Indicates the family of ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers.
  • F1: Indicates the series within the STM32 family, specifically the STM32F1 series.
  • 03: Indicates the sub-family, which in this case is the STM32F103 sub-family. The '1' before '03' generally represents the sub-category within the series.
  • C: Indicates the package type and number of pins (e.g., 'C' typically indicates an LQFP48 package with 48 pins).
  • 8: Indicates the memory size, specifically the Flash memory size, in this case, 64 KB of Flash memory.

All devices in this family have just 20kB of RAM. Thus the only part of the profile name that matters in terms of determining the appropriate flash size is the last digit. That digits can be 4, 6, 8, b, c, d, e, f, g, which is why we have that many linker scripts above. The exact reason why each number and letter is used is not known to the writer, but is also not important. All that we need to do is map those profile names to the correct .ld file.

Handling Multiple Flash and RAM Configurations

Currently, libhal-armcortex supports MCUs with single flash and RAM configurations. For support for multi-flash and multi-RAM devices, consider contributing or following the development on this GitHub issue: Add multi flash & multi ram linker scripts. In order to communicate to the build system what your linker scripts are and where to find them, we must add to the conan package's cpp_info.exelinkflags array. This property describes to conan what link flags should be added if a package depends on this package. See the code below.

Integrating Linker Scripts into Build Systems

To properly integrate your linker scripts with the Conan build system, add the appropriate link flags to the cpp_info.exelinkflags array in your package. This setup ensures that the linker scripts are correctly recognized and used during the build process.

def package_info(self):
    self.cpp_info.set_property("cmake_target_name", "libhal::__platform__")
    self.cpp_info.libs = ["libhal-__platform__"]

    if self.settings.os == "baremetal" and self._use_linker_script:

def add_linker_scripts_to_link_flags(self):
    platform = str(self.options.platform)
    self.cpp_info.exelinkflags = [
        "-L" + os.path.join(self.package_folder, "linker_scripts"),
        "-T" + os.path.join("libhal-__platform__", platform + ".ld"),

Implementing Linker Scripts for Your Platform

1. Download and Review the User Manual

Begin by downloading and reviewing the user manual for your microcontroller. The datasheet may provide some information, but the user manual will typically contain a comprehensive memory map. Search for the section labeled "memory map" to find detailed information about the sizes of the device's flash and RAM.

2. Determine the Naming Scheme

Device naming schemes vary. Some, like the lpc4078, have straightforward names, while others, like the stm32f10x, incorporate coded symbols. Establish a clear naming strategy for your linker scripts. Each profile should correspond to exactly one linker script, although a single linker script can apply to multiple profiles if the hardware characteristics are identical.

3. Populate the Linker Script

Fill out the linker script with the specific memory addresses and sizes for your device:

__flash = ???;
__flash_size = ???;
__ram = ???;
__ram_size = ???;
__stack_size = 1K;

INCLUDE "libhal-armcortex/standard.ld"

4. Repeat for All Variants

Continue this process for each device variant within the chip family, ensuring that all have appropriate linker scripts reflecting their specific memory configurations.

Modify the add_linker_scripts_to_link_flags() function in your to correctly link the appropriate scripts based on the platform:

For devices like the STM32 family, where multiple variants exist, implement a dynamic approach to link the correct script:

def add_linker_scripts_to_link_flags(self):
    linker_script_name = list(str(self.options.platform))
    # Replace unneeded characters with 'x' to denote a generic script
    linker_script_name[8] = 'x'
    linker_script_name[9] = 'x'
    linker_script_name = "".join(linker_script_name)

    self.cpp_info.exelinkflags = [
        "-L" + os.path.join(self.package_folder, "linker_scripts"),
        "-T" + os.path.join("libhal-stm32f1", linker_script_name + ".ld"),

This adjustment allows you to use a single script for similar variants by replacing specific parts of the chip identifier with a 'don't care' symbol ('x'). Think of it like bit masking but for letters.

For some devices with XIP (eXecute In Place) external flash memory interfaces packages can opt to conan's package "option" feature, allowing the user to specify the size in the command line, their own profile, or set the option directly in the final application

6. Testing

Once all scripts are in place, it's time to test:

To build the package, run:

conan create . -pr YOUR_PROFILE -pr arm-gcc-12.3 --version=latest

To build your demos, use:

VERBOSE=1 conan build demos -pr YOUR_PROFILE -pr arm-gcc-12.3

On Windows:

$env:VERBOSE=1 conan build demos -pr YOUR_PROFILE -pr arm-gcc-12.3

Ensure verbose output is enabled to check the -Tyour_linker_script.ld command argument during the build process. Verify the binary fits the addresses specified in the linker script with:

arm-none-eabi-readelf -S demos/build/YOUR_PROFILE/MinSizeRel/blinker.elf

Confirm the .init section aligns with the flash address and .data with the RAM address. If these match, your implementation is successful.


If commands do not execute as expected, particularly on Linux or macOS, source your environment variables with:

source demos/build/YOUR_PROFILE/MinSizeRel/generators/

πŸ”„ Continuous Integration & Deployment

Continuous Integration (CI) ensures that code in the main branch of any libhal libraryβ€”or code intended for the main branchβ€”builds successfully and passes all tests. This process is crucial for maintaining code quality and functionality over time.


The CI system is currently optimized for use within the libhal organization. Efforts are underway to enhance its usability for other organizations without requiring a fork or clone of the libhal/ci repository.

Branch & Pull Request Checks

The libhal-__platform__ includes a pre-configured ci.yml GitHub Action script, which provides an overview of our automated testing approach:

      - main
    - cron: "0 12 * * 0"

Key Features:

  • Scheduled Tests: The CI system automatically tests the main branch daily to ensure ongoing compatibility and to detect any issues caused by changes in other packages or the infrastructure.
  • Pull Request Tests: All pull requests undergo CI tests to ensure that new contributions do not introduce bugs or compatibility issues.
  • Manual Trigger: The workflow_dispatch event allows for manual CI runs without needing to push updates or create pull requests.
    uses: libhal/ci/.github/workflows/library_check.yml@5.x.y
    secrets: inherit

    uses: libhal/ci/.github/workflows/deploy.yml@5.x.y
      arch: cortex-m4f
      os: baremetal
      compiler: gcc
      compiler_version: 12.3
      compiler_package: arm-gnu-toolchain
    secrets: inherit

    uses: libhal/ci/.github/workflows/deploy.yml@5.x.y
      arch: cortex-m4
      os: baremetal
      compiler: gcc
      compiler_version: 12.3
      compiler_package: arm-gnu-toolchain
    secrets: inherit

    uses: libhal/ci/.github/workflows/demo_builder.yml@5.x.y
      compiler_profile: v1/arm-gcc-12.3
      platform_profile: v1/profile1
    secrets: inherit

    uses: libhal/ci/.github/workflows/demo_builder.yml@5.x.y
      compiler_profile: v1/arm-gcc-12.3
      platform_profile: v1/profile2
    secrets: inherit

Key Checks:

  • Library Checks: Ensures packaging in host mode, conducts host side tests, verifies API documentation (Doxygen comments), and checks code formatting.
  • Deployment Checks: Uses deploy.yml to simulate the deployment process for all build_types such as Debug, MinSizeRel, and Release, without a specific version input for a dry run.
  • Demo Application Checks: Ensures demo applications remain functional after changes using demo_builder.yml. This script should specify the paths to compiler and platform profiles, using these to download and build the applications.

Each ci.yml configuration should include these checks. If a package does not include demos, the demo check can be omitted, though it is generally recommended to include demos to demonstrate the library's capabilities.

πŸ“œ Platform Constants

Now we've reached the point where we can start modifying the C++ source code. The first area to start with is defining the peripheral and irq enumeration class constants. These outline the set of peripherals and interrupt requests that can be used on the platform.

Here's a guide section for "Peripheral Constants" that you can use in your documentation. This section explains how to map peripheral identifiers to their respective power and clock control registers, tailored specifically for an API like the one you're designing for libhal.

Peripheral Constants

In the libhal ecosystem, peripheral constants play a crucial role in the power and clock management APIs. These constants uniquely identify each peripheral and correspond directly to control bits in the power and clock registers. This design ensures efficient and straightforward management of peripheral power states and clock frequencies.

Defining Peripheral Constants

Peripheral constants are defined in an enumeration where each constant corresponds to a specific bit in a device's power or clock enable registers. This method allows direct manipulation of these registers using bit operations, which are both fast and memory-efficient.

namespace hal::your_platform {
  /// List of each peripheral and their power on id number for this platform
  enum class peripheral : std::uint8_t
    // Examples
    gpio = 0,
    uart0 = 1,
    spi1 = 2,
    // More peripherals follow...
    max, // Placeholder for the count of peripherals

Mapping to Power Registers

  1. Locate Power Registers: First, consult the power management section of your microcontroller's user manual. Identify the registers responsible for powering peripherals. These are often labeled as power control registers or clock enable registers.

  2. Understand Register Layout: Registers typically control multiple peripherals. Each bit in a register corresponds to the power state of one peripheral. For instance, bit 0 might control the power for the GPIO interface, bit 1 for the UART0, and so on.

  3. Designing the Enumeration: Define each peripheral in the enum class such that the value of the enum matches the bit position in the power register. For a microcontroller with two 32-bit power registers:

  4. Peripherals controlled by the first register will have IDs 0 to 31.
  5. Peripherals controlled by the second register will have IDs 32 to 63.

  6. Bitwise Operations: With each peripheral ID corresponding directly to a bit position, you can toggle power by applying bitwise operations. For example, to power on a peripheral, the operation would be:

power_register |= (1 << static_cast<int>(peripheral::uart0));

To power it off:

power_register &= ~(1 << static_cast<int>(peripheral::uart0));

Example Usage

Consider a scenario where the ADC peripheral is mapped to bit 12 in the power control register. By defining the adc constant as 12 in the enum, you enable straightforward manipulation:

  • Power On: power_register |= (1 << static_cast<int>(peripheral::adc));
  • Check Power State: bool isPowered = power_register & (1 << static_cast<int>(peripheral::adc));
  • Power Off: power_register &= ~(1 << static_cast<int>(peripheral::adc));


This mapping strategy ensures that your power and clock management API is both efficient and easy to use. It reduces the overhead of calculating bit masks and positions dynamically, leading to faster execution and cleaner code.

This guide section aims to clarify the process of defining and using peripheral constants within the libhal framework, providing a structured approach to managing device resources effectively.


Your microcontroller may use multiple bits or have a more complicated scheme to power control. If that is the case, then it is up to you to determine what is the best scheme for powering on peripheral on the device that driver and potentially users can utilize.

IRQ Constants

It may be useful to understand how ARM Cortex M exceptions work. To learn these details, we'd highly recommend reading A Practical guide to ARM Cortex-M Exception Handling by Chris Coleman of Memfault.

The maximum number of interrupts for Cortex-M series CPUs varies depending on the specific model within the Cortex-M family. Here is a breakdown of the maximum interrupt numbers for different Cortex-M series processors:

  1. Cortex-M0/M0+: Supports up to 32 external interrupts.
  2. Cortex-M3/M4/M7/M33/M35P: Supports up to 240 external interrupts.
  3. Cortex-M23: Supports up to 32 external interrupts.

The exact number of interrupts available in a specific microcontroller will also depend on the chip and the specific features they have included. Consult the technical reference manual or datasheet for the mcu to get the precise number of interrupts supported and what they map to.

// The enum class type must always be `std::int16_t`, representing the
// maximum number of IRQs a Cortex-M processor can support. This type is also
// used for the input parameter that specifies the IRQ number.
enum class irq : std::int16_t
  watchdog_timer = 0, // The first IRQ must always be zero
  timer0 = 1,
  timer1 = 2,
  uart0 = 5,
  uart1 = 6,
  pwm1 = 9,
  i2c0 = 10,
  i2c1 = 11,
  i2c2 = 12,
  reserved0 = 13, // Fill gaps with reserved IRQs
  spi0 = 14,
  spi1 = 15,
  pll0 = 16,
  rtc = 17,
  // ... Add the rest...
  max, // The final entry must ALWAYS be "max"

When referencing your user manual, look for the term NVIC, which stands for Nested Vector Interrupt Controller. This is a typical title in ARM MCU data sheets for where the interrupts IRQs are defined. The NVIC section in the manual typically includes IRQ numbers for each peripheral. Integrate these numbers into the enum class, assigning them as corresponding values. Additionally, you may encounter ISER, or Interrupt Set-Enable Register, which is the ARM designation for the register controlling interrupt enabling.

🧩 Implementing the core APIs

To be written.