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ðŸŽĻ Style Guide

S.0 Code Guidelines

All guides follow the C++ Core Guidelines.

S.1 Formatting

  • Code shall follow libhal's .clang-format file, which uses the Mozilla C++ style format as a base with some adjustments.
  • Code shall follow libhal's file, which is very similar to the standard library naming convention:
  • CamelCase for template parameters.
  • CAP_CASE for MACROs (avoid MACROs in general).
  • lowercase snake_case for everything else.
  • prefix p_ for function parameters.
  • prefix m_ for private/protected class member.
  • Refrain from variable names with abbreviations where it can be helped. adc, pwm, and i2c are extremely common so it is fine to leave them as abbreviations. Most people know the abbreviations more than the words that make them up. But words like cnt should be count and cdl and cdh should be written out as clock_divider_low and clock_divider_high. Registers do get a pass if they directly reflect the names in the data sheet which will make looking them up easier in the future.
  • Use #pragma once as the include guard for headers.
  • Every file must end with a newline character.
  • Every line in a file must stay within a 80 character limit.
  • Exceptions to this rule are allowed. Use // NOLINT in these cases.
  • Allowed number radix's for bit manipulation:
  • Only use binary (0b1000'0011) or hex (0x0FF0) for bit manipulation.
  • Never use decimal or octal as this is harder to reason about for most programmers.
  • Every public API must be documented with the doxygen style comments (CI will ensure that every public API is documented fully).
  • Include the C++ header version of C headers such as <cstdint> vs <stdint.h>.

S.2 Refrain from performing manual bit manipulation

Use hal::bit_modify from libhal-util library to perform bitwise operations operations.

S.3 Refrain from using MACROS

Only use macros if something cannot be done without using them. Usually macros can be replaced with constexpr or const variables or function calls. A case where macros are the only way is for HAL_CHECK() since there is no way to automatically generate the boiler plate for returning if a function returns and error in C++ and thus a macro is needed here to prevent possible mistakes in writing out the boilerplate.

Only use preprocessor #if and the like if it is impossible to use if constexpr to achieve the same behavior.

S.4 Never include C++ <iostream> libraries

Applications incur an automatic 150kB space penalty for including any of the ostream headers that also statically generate the global std::cout and the like objects. This happens even if the application never uses any part of <iostream> library. <iostream> can be used in libraries that will only be used for host side testing.

S.5 Refrain from memory allocations

Interfaces and drivers should refrain from APIs that force memory allocations or implementations that allocate memory from heap. This means avoiding STL libraries that allocate such as std::string or std::vector.

Many embedded system applications, especially the real time applications, do not allow dynamic memory allocations. There are many reasons for this that can be found MISRA C++ and AutoSAR.

S.6 Drivers should not log to STDOUT or STDIN

Peripheral drivers must NOT log to stdout or stderr. This means no calls to

  • std::printf
  • std::cout
  • std::print (C++26's version of print based on std::format)

Consider using the file I/O libraries in C, C++, python or some other language. Would you, as a developer, ever imagine that opening, reading, writing, or closing a file would (write?) to your console? Especially if there did not exist a way to turn off logging. Most users would be very upset as this would not seem like the role of the file I/O library to spam the console. This gets even worse if a particular application has thousands of files and each operation is logging.

The role of logging should be held by the application developer, not their drivers or helper functions, unless the purpose of the helper functions or driver is to write to console.

S.7 Drivers should not purposefully halt OR terminate the application

Drivers are not entitled to halt the execution of the application and thus any code block that would effectively end or halt the execution of the program without giving control back to the application are prohibited.

As an example drivers should never call:

  • std::abort()
  • std::exit()
  • std::terminate()
  • any of their variants

This includes placing an infinite loop block in a driver.

An application should have control over how their application ends. A driver should report severe errors to the application and let the application decide the next steps. If a particular operation cannot be executed as intended, then an appropriate hal::exception type should be thrown.

S.8 Drivers should not pollute the global namespace

All drivers must be within the hal namespace or within their own bespoke namespace.

Inclusion of a C header file full of register map structures is not allowed as it pollutes the global namespace and tends to result in name collisions.

Care should be taken to ensure that the hal namespace is also as clean as possible by placing structures, enums, const data, and any other symbols into the driver's class's namespace like so:

namespace hal::target
class target {
  struct register_map {
    std::uint32_t control1;
    std::uint32_t control2;
    std::uint32_t data;
    std::uint32_t status;
    // ..

  struct control1_register {
    static constexpr auto channel_enable = hal::bit::range::from<0, 7>();
    static constexpr auto peripheral_enable = hal::bit::range::from<8>();
    // ...

  // ...

S.9 Interface should follow the public private API Scheme

See private virtual method for more details. Rationale can be found within that link as well.

S.10 Avoid using bool as:

S.10.1 an object member

bool has very poor information density and takes up 8-bits per entry. If only one bool is needed, then a bool is a fine object member. If multiple bools are needed, then use a std::bitset along with static constexpr index positions in order to keep the density down to the lowest amount possible.

S.10.2 a parameter

See the article "Clean code: The curse of a boolean parameter" for details as to why bool parameters are awful.

bool is fine if it is the only parameter and it acts as a lexical switch, for example:

// This is fine because it reads as set "LED" voltage "level" to "FALSE"
// This is fine because it reads as set "LED" voltage "level" to "TRUE"

S.11 Integrating third party libraries by source

In general, third party libraries should NOT be integrated into a library by source. It should be depended upon using a package manager. But in some cases third party libraries must be included by source. In these cases, the third party libraries should be committed into a project, without modifications, into the include/<library_name>/third_party directory. After that commit, the third party libraries can be used by and integrated into the library code base, in a following commit.

If a third party library is modified, that library must have a section at the top of the file with the following description:

 * [libhal] modifications to this file are as follows:
 *    1. mod 1
 *    2. mod 2
 *    3. mod 3
 *    4. mod 4


Care must be taken to ensure that third party libraries do not conflict with the licenses of libhal libraries and permit direct integration as well as modification.

Rationale: Makes keeping track of changes and the history of files easier to manage.

S.12 Avoid std::atomic

Avoid using std::atomic in device libraries due to portability issues across architectures. Device libraries are designed to work across architectures meaning they cannot depend on platform specific constructs like this.

Note that target and processor libraries are allowed to use std::atomic if it is available with their cross compiler and toolchain. In this case, the we can know which target devices the software is running on, either the target itself, which we already know can support it, or on a host machine for unit testing, which is very likely to have a compiler that supports atomics.

S.13 Avoid <thread>

Embedded system compilers tend to not provide an implementation of <thread> because the choice of which threading model or multi-threading operating system is left to the developer.

In general, #include <thread> will almost never work when cross compiling.

S.14 Headers

Header files should be self-contained (compile on their own) and end in .hpp for C++ files and .h for C files.

When a header declares inline functions or templates that clients of the header will instantiate, the inline functions and templates must also have definitions in the header. When all instantiations of a template occur in one .cc file, either because they're explicit or because the definition is accessible to only the .cc file, the template definition can be kept in that file.

S.14.1 Include Guards

For ease of use, use #pragma once as your include guard. Usage of classic include guards like:

#ifndef FOO_BAR_BAZ_H_
#define FOO_BAR_BAZ_H_


#endif  // FOO_BAR_BAZ_H_

Are annoying and error prone. Do not use these!

S.14.2 Include What You Use

If a source or header file refers to a symbol defined elsewhere, the file should directly include a header file which properly intends to provide a declaration or definition of that symbol. It should not include header files for any other reason.

Do not rely on transitive inclusions. This allows people to remove no-longer-needed #include statements from their headers without breaking clients. This also applies to related headers - should include bar.h if it uses a symbol from it even if foo.h includes bar.h.

S.14.3 Include Order

Headers should be included in your headers and source files in the following order:

  • C standard library headers. Include using chevrons: <>.
  • C 3rd party library packages. Include using chevrons: <>.
  • C++ standard library headers. Include using chevrons: <>.
  • C++ 3rd party Libraries' headers (libhal, libhal-arm-mcu, libhal-util, etc...). Include using chevrons: <>
  • Local package/project headers. Include using quotes: ""

For standard C headers use the C++ <cstdio> style over the C <stdio.h> style.

Headers should be sorted alphabetically. clang-format will perform this work for you. Rely on it vs doing it yourself.

Here is an example of how this should look:

// License at the top of the file with newline between the start of pragma once

#pragma once

// C headers first
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdint>

// C library headers
#include <minimp3.h>

// C++ headers
#include <string_view>
#include <span>

// C++ Library headers
#include <libhal-util/output_pin.hpp>
#include <libhal-util/serial.hpp>
#include <libhal-util/steady_clock.hpp>
#include <libhal-util/stream_dac.hpp>

// Local Project
#include "resource_list.hpp"

// leave a blank line for the actual code

Exception: boost.ut must ALWAYS be the last include in the code in order to allow ostream operator<< overloading to work.

S.15 Classes

S.15.1 Declaration Order

A class's visibility specifiers and member sections should appear in the following order:

  1. Public
  2. Protected
  3. Private

Omit any sections that would be empty.

Within each section, group similar declarations together and follow this order:

  1. Types and type aliases:
    • Using directives (using)
    • Enum classes
    • Nested structs and classes
    • Friend classes and structs
  2. Static constants
  3. Factory functions (if applicable)
  4. Constructors and assignment operators
  5. Destructor
  6. All other member functions (static and non-static member functions, as well as friend functions)
  7. All other data members (static and non-static)

Do not put large method definitions inline within the class definition. Typically, only trivial or performance-critical methods that are very short may be defined inline. If the class is a template, then all functions must be defined inline in the header file.