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ðŸ§ą Fundamentals of libhal

libhal stands for "Hardware Abstraction Layer Library". The libhal library just contains a set of C++ interfaces for the various common hardware devices. If a developer wants to turn off and on an LED, then the user can simply construct a hal::output_pin and use the level(bool) API to turn the pin's voltage from high to low. The developer using that output pin does not need to know:

  1. How to power-on/enable the pin for the platform or device it comes from
  2. How to enable timing for the peripheral (if relevant)
  3. Which registers need to be modified to change the pin direction
  4. Which registers need to be modified to change the pin state

All of the above in the list be taken care of by the driver implementation. This allows applications and driver implementations to be decoupled from each other, allowing them to follow the semantics of the interface. The application and drivers can simply use it as specified by the output pin API documentation.


Interfaces are the basic building blocks of libhal and enable the flexibility needed to be portable. An interface is a set of required functions that an implementing class must adhere to. Any software that implements (inherits) an interface must provide implementations for each function in the interface, otherwise the compiler will generate a compiler error. The implementation must follow the rules of the interface as specified in the interface's API documentation. These API documentation represents the semantics and behavior of the driver.

Lets consider an input pin, which is a pin on the controller that can be read by software. The state of the pin can be TRUE or FALSE, which corresponds to a HIGH or LOW voltage.

class input_pin
  struct settings
    pin_resistor resistor = pin_resistor::none;

  void configure(settings const& p_settings) { driver_configure(p_settings); }
  [[nodiscard]] bool level() { return driver_level(); }

  virtual ~input_pin() = default;
  virtual void driver_configure(settings const& p_settings) = 0;
  virtual bool driver_level() = 0;

As you can see there are two APIs, configure which is used to configure the pin and level which is used to read back the voltage level state of the pin.

Why the private virtual functions?

libhal uses the private virtual, public class function design pattern for inferfaces, because it allows us the capability to add supporting code before and after the virtual call. This can be used to fix bugs, issues, or remove undefined behavior for the virtual calls, for all callers without having to request that application or library developers update their code.

One of the key advantages of using interfaces is the ability to write functions that can work with any implementation of an interface. This is done by writing functions that accept pointers or references to the base interface class.

For example, you can pass a specific driver implementation to a function that takes a pointer or reference to the base class input_pin:

void process_pin(input_pin& pin)
  pin.configure({ .resistor pin_resistor::pull_up });

  if (pin.level()) {
    // Do something when the pin is HIGH
  } else {
    // Do something when the pin is LOW

// Somewhere else in your code
concrete_input_pin my_pin; // This is your specific driver implementation
// This works because concrete_input_pin inherits from input_pin

This is possible because concrete_input_pin inherits from input_pin, and C++ allows passing derived class objects to functions that accept base class pointers or references. This concept is known as polymorphism, and it allows your code to be more flexible and reusable.

Driver Types

Peripheral Drivers

Drivers for a platform that is embedded within the platform, system, development board, or operating system. For micro-controllers these peripherals therefore cannot be removed from the chip and is generally fixed in number.

  • output pin
  • i2c
  • can
  • serial/uart

Device Drivers

Drivers for devices external to a platform. Device drivers have constructors accepting libhal interface implementations. In order to construct the device driver all of the interface requirements of the driver must be met, either by a peripheral driver or a device driver that is capable of generating additional drivers.

  • temperature sensor
  • motor controller
  • smart servo
  • gps

Soft Drivers

Drivers that do not have any specific underlying hardware associated with them. They are used to emulate, give context to, or alter the behavior of a driver or interface implementation.

  • bit bang i2c using two output pins (that are open drain capable)
  • input pin inverter
  • output pin inverter
  • minimum speed i2c (a wrapper for i2c that ensures the i2c configuration speed is the minimum required to work for all devices using it.)

libhal libraries/package categories

libhal has many types of libraries. This is due to the wide range of useful types of libraries in embedded systems.

Compiler Package

A compiler package downloads and setups up a compiler for general use by an application. libhal's provides a compiler package for the ARM GNU toolchain which provides all of the GNU GCC compiler commands for building application, binaries and library files.

Platform Library

Contain the drivers and APIs specific to a processor. For example, ARM Cortex M processors have a common way to manage interrupts, so that code should be put into the processor library. Almost all Cortex M processors have a SysTick Timer, so such a driver should exist in the processor library.

Platform libraries also contain peripheral driver implementations as well as target specific APIs for operations such as DMA transfers, pin configuration and function selection, clock control, etc, for a specific family of devices.

Peripherals are devices within a microcontroller or computer system that allows the controller:

  1. To interact with the world in a particular way such as:
    1. output pin
    2. input pin
    3. i2c
    4. serial
    5. can
    6. usb
  2. Interrupt the CPU when an event has occurred
    1. timers
    2. interrupt pin
    3. watchdog
  3. Perform work for the CPU/application
    1. real time clocks
    2. crc generators
    3. random number generator
    4. display graphics accelerator

The hardware implementations of a peripheral in a controller is typically unique to that controller's device family. The peripheral drivers provide an abstraction to the peripheral hardware and allows easy control of the driver in code. Peripheral drivers are developed for peripheral devices that are expectation to be in all or a subset of devices within a device family.

Platform drivers are the foundation of all libhal applications. These drivers provide a direct means to access hardware. They are used either directly by an application OR passed to another driver to perform some work. If you want to turn on an LED, you'll need to utilize an output pin. If you wanted to interact with a temperature sensor that communicates over i2c, then you'd need a peripheral driver that supports i2c. From the peripheral drivers, all other drivers can be constructed. The question then becomes, does the chip you want, have the peripherals you'd like to use for your application.

Peripheral drivers typically do not take libhal interfaces as inputs.

Device Library

Device libraries containing drivers for specific hardware devices or modules, such as a sensors, displays, or a motor controllers. Device libraries require resources from the platform, typically peripheral drivers, memory (ram), and/or drivers that come from other device libraries. Device drivers are generally platform agnostic and should be usable on any system that can support their driver, memory, and performance requirements. You can generally tell something is a device driver if its constructor takes one or more libhal interfaces.

Soft Device Library

Soft drivers are drivers that do not have any specific underlying hardware associated with them. They are used to emulate, give context to, or alter the behavior of interfaces. For a driver to be a soft driver it must implement or have a way to generate, construct or create implementations of hardware interfaces.

For example, one could emulate i2c by using two output_pins set to the open drain configuration to enable bi-directional communication.

Another example would be an input_pin inverter that takes a hal::input_pin and simply inverts the logic of the values read from the input pin to suite the needs of another library that expects the values to be a certain logic level.

And finally, thread-safe variants of hal::i2c can be made by passing a hal::i2c and a lock to the thread safe i2c implementation and allowing that implementation to lock the i2c resource while a thread is using it.

Utility Library

These libraries are purely software-based and do not directly interact with hardware. They provide useful utilities, data structures, algorithms, and other software components that can be used across different parts of an application. Examples might include an efficient circular buffer implementation, a data structure for facilitating cross-driver communication, or a driver that performs a specific algorithm on data. These libraries are platform-agnostic and can be used in any application that meets their requirements.

3rd Party library

3rd party libraries that make a compiled library available for libhal targets processors. Examples of this would be:

  • freertos
  • lwip
  • Elm Chan's FatFS

These are different from what is usually provided on the conan center which are header only libraries which can work anywhere so long as the APIs and constructs are also supported by the architecture and compiler. For example if a header only library uses the C++ <thread> APIs and the compiler and architecture doesn't have support for that, then a compiler or linker error will occur.

RTOS Library

RTOS stands for Real Time Operating System and using these libraries will enable multi-tasking and multi-threading capability to the application. libhal specific RTOS libraries typically provide helper objects and classes that support libhal interfaces and systems.

Process Libraries

Code that performs some work using a set of resources provided by the application. These aren't driver in that they use drivers to achieve a goal. Typically implemented as a function but could be an object as well.

Some ideas for what this could be:

  • Sensor fusion process that produces orientation information when supplied N number of accelerometer, gyroscope, and produces accurate orientation information.
  • A servo process that takes a motor, a rotational sensor, and function that can be called by the process to get its current rotational orientation.

Concrete Drivers

In libhal, not all drivers are designed to implement an interface. These drivers, referred to as "Concrete Drivers", are unique in that they typically do not contain virtual functions and cannot be passed in a generic form. Despite this, they play a crucial role in the library due to their specific functionality and support for certain hardware components.

Concrete Drivers are fully realized classes that provide direct, specific functionality. They are designed to interact with a particular piece of hardware or perform a specific task, and their methods provide a direct interface to that hardware or task. Because they do not implement an interface, they cannot be used polymorphically like other drivers in libhal. However, their specificity allows them to provide robust, efficient, and direct control over their associated hardware.

These drivers are particularly useful in scenarios where a specific piece of hardware or a specific task does not neatly fit into one of the existing libhal interfaces, or when the overhead of virtual functions is not desirable. Despite not conforming to a specific interface, Concrete Drivers adhere to the same design principles as other components of libhal, ensuring consistency and reliability across the library.

In libhal, not all drivers are designed to implement an interface. These drivers, referred to as "Concrete Drivers", are unique in that they typically do not contain virtual functions and cannot be passed in a generic form. Despite this, they play a crucial role in the library due to their specific functionality and support for certain hardware components.

Note that this isn't a distinct type outside of the list of Driver types mentioned above. Concrete drivers can be a peripheral, device and soft driver. They simply do not implement an interface.

Multi-Interface Support

Many concrete drivers have the capability to support multiple interfaces at once. For example, a driver for the RMD-X6 smart motor can act as a servo, a motor, a temperature sensor (for itself), a voltage sensor (for the bus it is connected to), a current sensor (for how much current it's consuming), and a rotation sensor (for its output shaft's position). To create these drivers from the concrete driver, an adaptor class must be used. These adaptor classes take a reference to the concrete class and use its methods in order to implement the interface APIs.

Multi-inheritance MUST NEVER BE USED TO ACHIEVE THIS. This has to do with how multi-inheritance of polymorphic types effects the vtable of a type and how the interfaces put additional requirements on the exposed APIs of a clas.

Adaptor Factory Functions

In libhal, there is a common language policy for adaptors. To create them you must call a factory function called make_<name of interface>() and it will return an adaptor_object. There is an overload for every driver that implements a particular interface. For example, in order to generate a servo from the RMD X6 smart actuator, it would look like this:

hal::rmd::drc my_smart_actuator(/* ... */);
auto smart_servo_driver = make_servo(my_smart_servo);

This approach allows for a consistent and efficient way to create adaptors for various interfaces from a single concrete driver. It ensures that the concrete driver can be utilized to its full potential, providing access to all its capabilities through the appropriate interfaces.