CAN BUS: Controller Area Network Bus
This document describes the CAN for libhal 5.0.0 which is not available yet.
Welcome to the libhal controller area network (CAN) tutorial. CAN BUS is used as a reliable broadcast communication.
Learning about CAN BUS
To learn more about CAN BUS we recommend these online resources:
- ๐ฅ CAN Bus: Serial Communication - How It Works? 11m 24s video going over the basics of CAN BUS. It does not go over message ID arbitration which is quite important to understand with CAN BUS, but not necessary to use CAN APIs.
- ๐ Introduction to the Controller Area Network (CAN) by Texas Instruments: A fully featured document going over most of the important aspects of CAN bus. You'll learn everything you need to know about CAN with this document.
CAN interfaces and how to use them
libhal breaks CAN up into multiple interfaces and abstractions.
: Provides APIs for sending can messages and receiving messages.hal::can_message_interrupt
: Provides APIs for setting an interrupt when a message is received.hal::can_bus_manager
: Provides APIs for managing the state of the can bus hardware.- Standard can filters:
: Provides a means to filter can bus messages via a message ID.hal::can_mask_filter
: Provides a means to filter can bus messages via an message ID and mask combo.hal::can_range_filter
: Provides a means to filter can bus messages via a range of can message IDs
- Extended can filters (same as standard but for extended message IDs):
The CAN peripheral functionality is broken up across multiple interfaces in order to enable greater flexibility for applications, device drivers, and the various capabilities of hardware. For example, the number of filters of each type can vary wildly between different devices, but the predominately fit in these three categories.
The hal::can_message
The hal::can_message
struct contains all of the information stored within a
typical message. The object hal::can_message
represents a standard CAN
message in libhal. It provides all of the information you'd need in a typical
CAN message. It is used for sending and receiving messages on the can bus. Note
that the remote request and extended fields utilize bits 29th and 30th,
respectively, within the of the 32-bit id_flags
field. The 31st bit is
reserved for now and must remain 0.
The can message and its APIs are defined below.
struct can_message
* @brief Memory containing the ID and remote request and extended flags
* The 31st (final) bit in this mask is reserved and must always be set to 0.
* Prefer to use the accessor APIs rather than modify this field directly.
hal::u32 id_and_flags = 0;
* @brief Reserve padding memory
* The size of the contents of the is struct are not a multiple of 4 meaning,
* on 32-bit and above systems, this struct has a size of 16-bytes where 3 of
* the bytes are padding bytes.
* These bytes are reserved and only zeros may be written to them.
std::array<hal::byte, 3> reserved{};
* @brief The number of valid elements in the payload
* Can be between 0 and 8. A length value above 8 should be considered
* invalid and can be discarded.
uint8_t length = 0;
* @brief Message data contents
std::array<hal::byte, 8> payload{};
* @brief Enables default comparison
constexpr bool operator<=>(can_message const&) const = default;
* @brief Set message ID
* @param p_id - 29 to 11 bit message ID
* @return constexpr can_message& - reference to self for function chaining
constexpr can_message& id(hal::u32 p_id);
* @brief Set the messages remote request flag
* @param p_is_remote_request - set to true to set message as a remote
* request.
* @return constexpr can_message& - reference to self for function chaining
constexpr can_message& remote_request(bool p_is_remote_request);
* @brief Set the messages extended flag
* @param p_is_extended - set to true to set this message as an extended
* message ID.
* @return constexpr can_message& - reference to self for function chaining
constexpr can_message& extended(bool p_is_extended);
constexpr hal::u32 id();
constexpr bool remote_request();
constexpr bool extended();
Using hal::can_transceiver
For now, lets set aside how we acquire a hal::can_transceiver
and consider
what you can do once you have one.
u32 baud_rate() = 0;
This function returns the baud rate in hertz of the CAN BUS. The baud rate represents the communication rate. Common baud rates for CAN BUS are:
- 100 kHz or Kbit/s
- 125 kHz or Kbit/s
- 250 kHz or Kbit/s
- 500 kHz or Kbit/s
- 800 kHz or Kbit/s
- 1 MHz or Mbit/s
This function exists to ensure that drivers that share a hal::can_transceiver
can detect if the baud rate doesn't match a fixed baud rate required by another
device on the bus. CAN BUS driver may provide an out-of-interface function for
setting the baud rate, but this interface does not allow such control.
When a can driver is constructed it is passed a baud rate it should set itself
to. If the baud rate cannot be achieved the constructor will throw
. Note when setting up a CAN BUS network that
every device on the bus must have the same baud rate. The baud rate is not
changeable via the hal::can_transceiver
void send(can_message const& p_message) = 0;
The send API allows a hal::can_transceiver
to send/broadcast messages onto
the can bus. Simply construct a hal::can_message
and pass it to this function
and it will make its way. This function will block until the message has been
sent over the bus. This means that this API could block a thread if it never
gains access over the bus long enough to transmit its message.
std::span<can_message const> receive_buffer() = 0;
std::size_t receive_cursor() = 0;
are mandated to hold a buffer can messages received over
the bus. The user is allowed, at object construction to provide buffer memory
for the driver. That buffer is then exposed by the receive_buffer()
API to
allow applications and drivers to scan it and to find messages meant for them.
The buffer returned from receive_buffer()
updated as a circular buffer where
the receive_cursor()
API indicates where the driver's write cursor position
is located. Any value returned from receive_cursor()
will always work like so:
// `can.receive_cursor()` always returns a value between 0 and
// `can.receive_buffer().size() - 1` meaning the following expression is always
// well defined. can_message is default initialized to all zeros.
See โ๏ธโ๐ฅhow interface circular buffers in libhal work.
Using the circular buffer APIs directly can be tedious and error prone, so we
provide some utility classes in libhal-util/can.hpp
hal::can_transceiver& can = /* ... */;
hal::can_message_finder reader(can, 0x240);
std::optional<hal::can_message> found_message = reader.find();
if (found_message) {
// Do something with the message here...
} else {
// Message has not not been received yet
This helper class uses the hal::can_transceiver
to scan the receive buffer,
relative to the position of the receive cursor, and return a copy of that
with the matching ID. Find will only find messages received
after the construction of the object. If there does not exist a message with
the ID specified, std::nullopt
is returned. Repeated calls to find()
search for messages with that ID.
For example, consider we have the following messages in the receive buffer post object creation:
- message 0x015
- message 0x240
- message 0x333
- message 0x240
The first call to find will the message at index 2 and return a copy. The
second call will find the message at index 4 and return a copy. If no
additional messages are received and find()
is called, std::nullopt
will be
The lifetime of the hal::can_message_reader
is bound to the
passed to it and must not exceed the lifetime of that
There are some safety concerns with this class returning a span to something that will be modified by the transceiver.
Here is an example of how to use the hal::can_message_reader
hal::can_transceiver& can = /* ... */;
hal::can_message_reader reader(can);
std::optional<std::span<hal::can_message>> new_messages =;
// Confirm we have messages available
if (new_messages) {
// Since we have some new messages, we can iterate over them and print out
// their ID and length.
for (auto const& message : *new_messages) {
hal::print<64>("{ id: %" PRIu32 ", length: %" PRIu8 "}",,
The lifetime of the hal::can_message_reader
is bound to the
passed to it and must not exceed the lifetime of that
CAN BUS device manager
In order to acquire implementations of the interfaces above, a can device
manager object should be created. How this object is created depends on your
platforms. As an example lets consider stm32f103
namespace hal::stm32f1 {
class can {
// Constructor
can(std::span<hal::can_message> p_receive_buffer,
can_pins p_pins = can_pins::pa11_pa12,
hal::u32 baud_rate = 100_kHz);
// The rest...
// Constructing a can object using pins PB9 & PB8 on the stm32f103c8 and
// setting the bus baud rate to 1MHz.
std::array<hal::can_message, 16> receive_buffer;
hal::stm32f1::can can(receive_buffer, hal::stm32f1::can_pins::pb9_pb8, 1_MHz);
// Acquiring resources from device manager...
// Typically, a can manager object only has a single transceiver, but in some
// cases they support messages and communication over two ports. The
// `transceiver` object claims the can object's transceiver resources and
// attempting to create another will throw the `hal::device_or_resource_busy`
// exception. The resource is released on the destruction of this object.
auto transceiver = can.acquire_transceiver();
// The notes about the transceiver apply to the bus manager. There is typically
// only one and if you attempt to create multiple, the
// `hal::device_or_resource_busy` exception will be thrown.
auto bus_manager = can.acquire_bus_manager();
auto id_filter_0 = can.acquire_id_filter();
auto id_filter_1 = can.acquire_id_filter();
auto id_filter_2 = can.acquire_id_filter();
auto id_filter_3 = can.acquire_id_filter();
The stm32f103 only has a single CAN peripheral. Here we have to provide which CAN TX & RX pins we want to use. Next we select the baud rate in terms of frequency.
// Constructing a can object
hal::stm32f1::can can(hal::stm32f1::can_pins::pb9_pb8, 1_MHz);
// Acquire a transceiver from the can manager object.
auto transceiver = can.acquire_transceiver();
// Attempting to acquire a 2nd transceiver โ throws
// hal::device_or_resource_busy because can_transceiver is still around. If
// `can_transceiver` is destroyed, then this API can be used to acquire a new
// transceiver.
auto transceiver2 = can.acquire_transceiver(); // โ
// Acquire a mask filter
auto mask_filter0 = can.acquire_mask_filter();
// acquire mask filters until there are no more filter resources available...
auto mask_filterN = can.acquire_mask_filter(); // โ throw
If a device runs out of a the resources needed to generate an implementation
such as a filter or bus manager, that API throws hal::device_or_resource_busy
CAN devices have a limited number of filters, each with a specific set of resources assigned to it. When acquiring a filter, the object returned manages, controls, and holds onto these resources for the duration of the filter's lifetime, allowing them to be reused after the filter object is destroyed. This means that the same resources can be used for multiple filters, but only one filter can use a particular set of resources at any given time. Here is a demonstration of what that would look like, assuming we only had 2 mask filters:
// โ
means that we have two filters available
// ๐กโ
means that one mask has been taken and the other is available
// START: โ
auto mask_filter0 = can.acquire_mask_filter(); // ๐กโ
auto mask_filter_scoped = can.acquire_mask_filter(); // ๐ก๐ก
} // mask_filter_scoped resources freed ๐กโ
auto mask_filter1 = can.acquire_mask_filter(); // ๐ก๐ก
// filters are exhausted and thus trying to create mask_filter2 results in an
// exception being thrown!
auto mask_filter2 = can.acquire_mask_filter(); // ๐ก๐กโ
The same goes for acquiring a hal::can_bus_manager
. Typically there is only
one and attempting to make two will throw an exception.
Usage in device drivers
A typical device drivers that uses can bus interfaces will accept a
and a filter. The device driver should capture the
for future use and use the filter to allow messages it
expects to receive over the bus. Such a class would look like this:
class servo_controller {
servo_controller(hal::can_transceiver& p_transceiver,
hal::can_identifier_filter& p_filter):
m_can(&p_transceiver) {
// Do the rest...
void send_position(hal::u8 p_position) {
hal::can_message payload;
payload.length = 1;
// Assume: 0 means 0deg & 255 means 360deg
payload.payload[0] = p_position;
constexpr hal::u32 servo_message_id = 0x050;
hal::can_transceiver* m_can;
In general, filters do not need to be captured. Filters can be set at driver construction and then given back to the caller. Capturing a filter is only necessary if the filter will have its ID modified at runtime.
The example above assumes that the driver only ever needs to write can messages and never needs to receive them.
Interfaces to Avoid
Device drivers should not accept hal::can_bus_manager
for any API. These interfaces are reserved for use
by applications, and accepting them could lead to disruptions in other drivers
and potentially the entire system. Additionally, hal::can_message_interrupt
cannot be shared because it can only support a single interrupt callback,
meaning that if two drivers were provided this interface, only the last one to
set the callback would be functional, while the previous callback would be
Receiving messages
When you want to also receive messages over CAN prefer to capture the
via hal::can_message_finder
. It will supply the memory
to capture the hal::can_transceiver
and provide the necessary memory to track
new incoming messages from the hal::can_transceiver
class battery_sensor {
battery_sensor(hal::can_transceiver& p_transceiver,
hal::can_identifier_filter& p_filter):
m_can(p_transceiver, battery_response_message_id) {
// Do the rest...
void request_battery_capacity() {
hal::can_message payload;
payload.length = 0;
std::optional<float> get_battery_capacity() {
auto message = m_can.find();
if (message && message.length == 1) {
return float(message.payload[0]) / 255.0f;
return std::nullopt;
constexpr hal::u32 battery_message_id = 0x050;
constexpr hal::u32 battery_response_message_id = 0x050;
hal::can_message_finder m_can;
The transceiver can be accessed using the transceiver()
Selecting the right filter type
- Select
if the device driver only needs to filter a single standard message ID. - Select
if the device driver only needs to filter a single extended message ID. - Select
if the device driver expects to see messages in a range of standard message IDs. - Select
if the device driver expects to see messages in a range of standard message IDs. - Select
if the device driver expects to see messages that fit a standard identifier with some bits that can change. In general, this filter type isn't particular useful for device drivers. - Select
if the device driver expects to see messages that fit an extended identifier with some bits that can change. In general, this filter type isn't particular useful for device drivers.
Filter adaptors
Can peripherals may not provide all of the filters needed by device drivers or
application. In these cases, we can use an adaptor from libhal-util
convert one filter to another.
Range to identifier filter
libhal provides hal::range_to_identifier_can_adaptor
which can take a
and generate multiple hal::can_identifier_filters
This can be beneficial when the set of IDs is contiguous OR close enough
hal::can_range_filter& range_filter = /* ... */;
hal::range_to_identifier_can_adaptor id_generator(range_filter);
auto id_filter_1 = id_generator.create();
auto id_filter_2 = id_generator.create();
auto id_filter_3 = id_generator.create();
id_filter_1.allow(0x111); // range 0x111 โ 0x111
id_filter_2.allow(0x112); // range 0x111 โ 0x112
id_filter_3.allow(0x117); // range 0x111 โ 0x117
id_filter_3.allow(0x110); // range 0x110 โ 0x115
id_filter_3.allow(0x116); // range 0x110 โ 0x115 (no change)
Each id generated links back to the hal::range_to_identifier_can_adaptor
object. They are bound by its lifetime. Each time a filter calls allow()
, it
expands the range to fit the max and min values passed previously.
The filter is not as useful if the range between IDs is large and there are messages within that ID range.
There exist an equivalent for extended IDs.
Mask to identifier filter
libhal provides hal::mask_to_identifier_can_adaptor
which can take a
and generate multiple hal::can_identifier_filters
Making a CAN driver