

Defined in namespace hal

#include <libhal/error.hpp>

group Error


template<class thrown_t>
void safe_throw(thrown_t &&p_thrown_object)#

libhal function for throwing exceptions with static analysis

The types that can be thrown must follow these rules:

  1. Must be trivially destructible

  2. Must have hal::exception as a base class for the type.

Template Parameters:

thrown_t – - type of the object to be thrown.


p_thrown_object – - object to throw.


thrown_t – - the passed p_thrown_object.

class exception#
#include <error.hpp>

Base exception class for all hal related exceptions.

Subclassed by hal::argument_out_of_domain, hal::io_error, hal::message_size, hal::no_such_device, hal::not_connected, hal::operation_not_permitted, hal::operation_not_supported, hal::resource_unavailable_try_again, hal::timed_out, hal::unknown

Public Functions

inline void const *instance() const#

address of the object that threw an exception

If the exception was thrown by a function, this will be a nullptr. The purpose of this field is to allow exception handlers additional insight about what may have gone wrong with the system.

Use cases:

  1. Logging: a. Log the instance object address raw b. Use the instance address to determine which driver failed and craft a more accurate log message.

  2. Recovery: a. Compare the instance address against drivers which are known to throw recoverable errors. When the driver or object is found, perform operations on that driver to bring the system back into a normal state.

NOTE: about using this for recovery. The instance address should not be used directly but only with objects that are still accessible by the error handler. This address should be used for lookup. DO NOT COST away the const or C-cast this into an object for use. If the object you mean to manipulate is not at least within the scope catch handler, then the lifetime of that object cannot be guaranteed and is considered the strongest form of UB.

inline std::errc error_code() const#

Convert this exception to the closest C++ error code.

Main Use Case: Translation from C++ exceptions to C error codes

Lets consider a situation when a C++ program must interface with C code or code that uses a C API to operate. Normally C++ code calls C code, but if C++ code is given to a C API like a callback and that C api expects an error code back for its own error handling purposes, this class function provides that error code. Simply catch the hal::exception, and return an error code. Perform any other recovery or handling required to make the system perform as expected.

Other use cases:

  1. Logging

Log the error code value (or the stringified version) of this exception to alert developers of the kind of underlying exception that was thrown.

  1. Recovery

This can technically be used for recovery, but it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to use the derived classes in their own catch blocks to recover from a specific error rather than using the base class and extracting its error code.


std::errc - error code represented by the exception

struct no_such_device : public hal::exception#
#include <error.hpp>

Raised when an device was expected to exist and did not.

How to recover from this?#

1. Scanning#

Lets consider I2C. A developer may want a system that can scan a bus for devices and determine if a device is present. Normally, in I2C, devices will acknowledge the i2c bus controller if they see their address on the bus. So this is a rare type of error. But when scanning, its quite common as many of the available addresses will not have devices to listen on them. In this case, the error can be handled locally to the call and each call that does not result in an exception is an address with a device.

2. Polling after reset#

Lets consider I2C. In this situation, lets consider a device that must be reset in order for a configuration setting to be used. In this situation, a driver may have to poll on a device, attempting to get it to acknowledge it before it can use the device. This happens when a driver resets a device before configuring it to put it in a known state. This could also happen for drivers that determine that the ROM settings of a device are not configured to a stat that it can handle, it modifies the ROM and then requests a software reset of the device.

To handle this, simply do:

for (int i = 0; i < number_of_attempts; i++) {
   try {
     hal::read(i2c, m_address, buffer);
   } catch (const hal::no_such_device&) {

or use hal::probe(i2c) in the while loop that performs the try catch for you and returns a bool if it was successfully able to communicate with the device.

3. Temporary/Intermittent#

There are some cases where communication with a device is intermittent in nature. In these cases, such an exception is temporary in nature and another attempt at communication should work appropriately. In these situations, drivers should either handle the error locally and poll on the device to until it ACKs or until a timeout time. The user may request at the construction of the object to skip catching the error and allow it propagate out of the driver such that user code can handle.

4. Else, not recoverable#

If none of the above apply to your application, this error is considered, generally non-recoverable and will terminate your application. This would be an unexpected bug due to hardware misconfiguration or some runtime hardware fault.

Public Functions

inline constexpr no_such_device(std::uint32_t p_address, void *p_instance)#

Construct a new timed_out exception.

  • p_address – - the address of the device represented in 32-bits. For I2C this can be the 7-bit device address.

  • p_instance – - must point to the instance of the driver that threw this exception.

struct io_error : public hal::exception#
#include <error.hpp>

Raised to indicate an issue with low level I/O.

I/O errors are error at a low fundamental level. For I2C that could mean that the signals it saw on the bus did not align with the protocol. This exception is reserved for errors that can be detected that are purely a hardware communication error in nature. This are usually considered NOT recoverable.

Unless the system, application, or developer understands exactly how to recover from this error, this error should be allowed to terminate the application. Systems should be designed to use an appropriate terminate handler to manage what happens during termination and attempt to put the system in a reliable or safe state.

In very specific niche situations could this be recoverable. Such as testing a system to determine the maximum clock rate before data corruption begins to occur.

Public Functions

inline io_error(void *p_instance)#

Construct a new timed_out exception.


p_instance – - must point to the instance of the driver that threw this exception. If this was thrown from a free function pass nullptr.

struct resource_unavailable_try_again : public hal::exception#
#include <error.hpp>

Raised when a resource is unavailable but another attempt would work.

Resources are typically busses, peripherals, and shared hardware devices.

How do to recover from this?#

1. Retry!#

Consider I2C. I2C has the ability to have multiple controllers on the bus. If two controllers attempt to control the bus at the same time, arbitration will occur. One of the I2C controllers will succeed and the other will get a hal::resource_unavailable_try_again exception. To handle this, simply attempt the transaction again until a timeout occurs (time or retry based).

2. Else?#

This exception should only be raised for arbitration reasons and not I/O reasons, so the only option is to retry. The time it takes for a retry to work depends strongly on the applications and the drivers use. If this does not work for the application, then a change in architecture, drivers, or part selection may be required.

Public Functions

inline resource_unavailable_try_again(void *p_instance)#

Construct a new timed_out exception.


p_instance – - must point to the instance of the driver that threw this exception.

struct timed_out : public hal::exception#
#include <error.hpp>

Raised when an operation reaches a deadline before completing.

Time outs can be generated from time sources such as a hal::steady_clock or hal::timer as well as external sources such as an interrupt or input pin.

NOTE: Do not throw exceptions in an interrupt context! Interrupts have priority over the entire scheduler and must be made to be as small as possible. If an interrupt is needed to signal a timeout, the interrupt should set a some flag, signal, semaphore etc that indicates to the application that something is done.

How do to recover from this?#

1. Context Required#

This entirely depends on your application. If a timeout is too small, it may not give calling code enough time to perform the operation. But in many cases, the meaning of a timeout depends on the operation that was called. The caller should have context for what a timeout means. If the calling function does not know how to handle a timeout with its level context, it should inform the developer via documentation that its functions can throw a hal::timed_out exception and what it means.

Public Functions

inline timed_out(void *p_instance)#

Construct a new timed_out exception.


p_instance – - must point to the instance of the driver timed out. If the timeout occurred from a free function, pass nullptr.

struct operation_not_supported : public hal::exception#
#include <error.hpp>

Raised exclusively when a driver cannot configure itself based on the settings passed to it.

How do to recover from this?#

1. Adjust settings at runtime if applicable#

This option requires the settings for a driver to be fluid. In most cases, a configuration is a HARD requirement and cannot be simply adjusted to get the code to work. But in some cases, settings can be adjusted such as an spi clock rate. Most devices can deal with a wide range of clock rates for spi, so adjusting the clock rate could work if the application can handle this change as well.

2. Else?#

Normally, the configuration settings of an application are determined early at boot. So if a driver was expected to work with a specific setting such as a baud rate for hal::serial, but it could not achieve that rate due to the peripheral clock rate being too low or an overall limitation on the hardware, then the application was never valid to begin with. This is then would be considered a bug and NOT RECOVERABLE. Either the code must be modified or the hardware changed to resolve this error.

How to Log this?#

Get the address of the offending object using the instance() function and compare it to the series of objects used within the try block and log a message for any object in the try that matches the instance address. If the settings are also accessible and within scope, that can be logged as well to inform a user of the application what went wrong and for what driver.

Public Functions

inline operation_not_supported(void *p_instance)#

Construct a new operation_not_supported exception.


p_instance – - must point to the instance of the driver that could not be configured with the configuration settings passed to it.

struct operation_not_permitted : public hal::exception#
#include <error.hpp>

Raised when an operation could not be performed because it is no longer permitted to use a resource.

How do to recover from this?#

1. hal::can#

See the API docs for hal::can::bus_on() and hal::can::send() for details on how to recover from this. It will explain in detail how to recover from this situation.

2. Else?#

This would be context specific and the API that throws this error should explain why the operation is not permitted and how to allow the operation to become permitted.

struct argument_out_of_domain : public hal::exception#
#include <error.hpp>

Raised when an input passed to a function is outside the domain of the function.

Thrown by interfaces and drivers with necessarily unbounded inputs. For example, hal::servo takes a position variable centered at a zero position. A servo will have a bounded range. But servos also have a variety of possible ranges and thus the interface must allow for an unbounded set of input positions. When an input position is given that exceeds what the servo can perform, it raises this exception.

How to recover from this?#

TBD: but in most cases this is a bug in the application and not recoverable. In general, this is only recoverable if an application is trying to determine the bounds of a servo.

struct message_size : public hal::exception#
#include <error.hpp>

Raised when a message, packet, or payload is greater than what can be sent.

How do to recover from this?#

Attempt Largest Packet Size, Trim & Retry#

This error can be recovered from by catching the exception and using the max_size field to split your packets into smaller chunks and then calling the API with each chunk in order.

A good policy for using libhal libraries is to ask for forgiveness not permission. Meaning attempt to send the greatest amount of data at once and see if you can get away with it. Wrap such calls to send/transfer like APIs with a catch for this exception type and use it to determine the new largest packet size to send.

struct not_connected : public hal::exception#
#include <error.hpp>

Raised when an operation is attempted on an unestablished connection.

This error is typically encountered in network programming, serial communication, or other contexts where a logical or physical connection is required before communication can occur. It signifies that the connection expected for the operation is not currently established.

How to recover from this?#

Check Connection Status, Re-establish & Retry#

Recovery from this error involves ensuring that the connection has been successfully established before retrying the operation. This might include:

  • Checking the connection status through appropriate API calls.

  • Attempting to re-establish the connection using the connection setup or initialization function.

  • Once the connection is confirmed or successfully re-established, retry the failed operation.

It’s advisable to implement a robust error handling mechanism that includes connection status checks, retries with exponential backoff, and clear feedback to the user or system when a connection cannot be established within a reasonable amount of attempts.

struct unknown : public hal::exception#
#include <error.hpp>

Raised when the error does not match any known or expected error from a device or system.

This error should ONLY be used when a system returns an error code that is not apart of a defined list of expected errors. For example, lets consider a C api that returns an int from 0 to 5 and each is mapped to a specific error. Now lets consider that the API is called and the number 18375 is returned. In this case, this is an unknown error value and thus this exception can be thrown.

If this is not the case, use any other hal::exception that fits.

namespace error#

Error objects, templates, and constants.


template<auto... options>
constexpr bool invalid_option = invalid_option_t<options...>::value#

Helper definition to simplify the usage of invalid_option_t.

Template Parameters:

options – ignored by the application but needed to create a non-trivial specialization of this class which allows its usage in static_assert.

template<auto... options>
struct invalid_option_t : public std::false_type#
#include <error.hpp>

Used for defining static_asserts that should always fail, but only if the static_assert line is hit via if constexpr control block. Prefer to NOT use this directly but to use invalid_option instead.

Template Parameters:

options – ignored by the application but needed to create a non-trivial specialization of this class which allows its usage in static_assert.